Volume envelope not always working?

Are there any conditions under ADSR settings would not affect the sound envelope? The most obvious, Attack, happens to be inconsequential both to synth and to samples; have not identified the pattern yet though.

I was literally thinking posting the same question, I notice this on synth with HH machines or noise, the transient could be so harsh sometimes and no matter how much attack I set it’s still there, sometimes I use LFO to have slower attack but an envelope should do it, shame wasting the precious single LFO for that…
the noise machine at least has attack of it’s own so it’s controllable, but the hats are for some reason disregard the amp env…

You have to make sure that Decay is not set to infinite for the Attack parameter to do anything.

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It might be that some tracks are not using these parameters, in which case this part might not show - and do something else :slight_smile:

Simpler, given that sample selected on that track could be anything, which is a great thing as you can add sampled bass to play along with synth hihat for example - no reason to prevent it from following envelope even if synth does not.

This was the first thing I checked, so unless I was mistaken, the issue might be elsewhere. Thanks for the heads-up though.

thank you! I knew I’m missing something but didn’t know what, that’s exactly what’s wrong for me.

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the amp env retriggers but not systematically at 0

if a previous env is running, it will retrigger starting at the value which the previous env was cut

so if you have a long decay and you retrigger the amp env, the amp value will already be set at a relatively high value so attack might be unnoticeable

maybe try with
attack = 0
hold = auto
decay = 0
then fiddle with the attack and decay parameters, while using the pads; it might make more sense


I have had a similar issue with the filter envelope stopping working on one track only.