Hi, are the Vsts that come with the overbridge package able to work on midi without overbridge? I.E. like the moog vst for the sub37 .if not i like to request that. should be easy to implement a switch to use overbidge or just the simple midi ?

Not sure I understand the question - you don’t need Overbridge for MIDI over USB, or to send MIDI CCs to the boxes - what MIDI is it you want the VSTs to handle specifically for you?

The VST is the Overbridge VST. It is for Overbridge.

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i like to have the vst as well handle other midi ports that are not via overbridge. i have other usb-> midi and like to work with the din midi jacks and have a vst for better work with automation and see as well on the classic midi the gui from the vst. this should be doable because the overbridge is just a layer .the vst could as well have a setting where you decide if you use the overbridge layer or the midi ports provided in the os…

Right, so you want the Overbridge VST and Elektron box to communicate via DIN midi instead of having the unit in OB mode. I’m not an overbridge user, but I’m pretty sure you can’t do that. I bet someone OB-savvy will quickly correct me if I’m wrong, though. :slight_smile:

But to turn the question around, why would you NOT use overbridge for communication between VST and box? The only reason I can think of is if you are out of USB ports, but that is hardly a big hurdle to overcome.

because of the latency of upto >50 ms and i have a super stable clock, e-rm multiclock

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Aah, I see. Yeah, the latency makes OB out of the question for me as well. I didn’t realise that OB would introduce latency when not used for streaming audio. Sorry I’m not of any help. I’ll keep an eye on this topic as the VST solely for total recall and automation purposes are of interest for me too.

In which case the answer is no. The whole point of Overbridge is that it runs over USB.

i understand, but what i do not understand is that we have such high latency, really. USB has a higher transferrate than simple midi, what the overbridge drives are doing is a layer between the usb and the elektron device, then transfering the data to the soundcard and the midi data to the vst. the vst should be able to get the midi data as well from from other usb /midi devices somehow. doing a quirk via an extra midi channel layer in ableton and transfer the data for an extra roundtrip does not make sense. a simple switch in the vst should be doable. the moog sub37 vst enables both usb or simple midi (midi from motu) . why should we need an m4l device etc…

There has been much discussion around issues of latency and Overbridge. Use the search function and you’ll uncover a lot of answers.