Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

The guy on Synthesizer Video Service said his Quantum buttons were like that too, but he had one of the very first to be shipped. That was a year or two ago though…

Definitely a no go for that price :worried: I pre ordered one at a local shop in Switzerland. But they’ll just let me know once they received it and they I can try it out and decide whether to buy it or not. Buy if it looks like that I’ll wait until Waldorf have sorted this out

I contacted Waldorf and will report when they reply. Let´s not forget that this synth is still built like a tank. The potis are wonderful, even my Moog feels wobbly in comparison. The touch display has a response like an iPhone. THis is a premium product worth the money!


Oh Lord! That is brutal!

Seriously how can they ship something like that out the door ? Shouldn’t be too hard for them to fix this in the production line, but it shouldn’t have been passed to begin with.

These aren’t mass produced, and I’m quite confident they are not assembled by ABA units, so they decided it was acceptable to ship which is unfortunate imho.


The great wonky button tragedy of 2020

Awesome demo and it sounds terrific to me!

I nearly preordered yesterday, but my conversation with ‘my’ Sweetwater rep left me a bit unsettled, especially when I learned how inconsistent they’ve been quoting wildly different prices to different folks. He also wasn’t in a position to give me a ballpark idea when it would be available. His only response was ‘soon.’ I guess I’d prefer…something better than that, like a best and worst case scenario kinda thing.
Also found out a couple things about Sweetwater’s CEO and political contributions that make me less eager to hand em money, but that’s a personal thing. Really hoping to have an Iridium by the end of the year


For me when a gear is above 500 € already need to be top quality in how they build it , at 2200 € those error are unacceptable .

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I think those buttons would trigger my OCD :slight_smile:

Yep. But I was playing 1/2h with the Quantum there and everything was perfect and felt rock solid. So I’m positive this will be ironed out when the next batch hits the stores. Been blow away by the sound quality and the amount of options these machines offer

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Quite extreme… the Quantum here don’t have this. Maybe it has to do that they are very close to the screen and that they are not placed like on the Quantum in the screen overlay frame.

To get the impression


From your photo the bottom housing also looks dislocated Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 21.32.22

Did something happened on transport?

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I have no reference how it should look but now that you mention it I notice that the on the top both metal parts are closer together. Probably half of my cat will be in the Iridium within days.

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Wow, that is unreal

i cannot believe it-

i think it might be due to low QC process from Waldorf

Wow those are some jaunty bois

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I don´t want to sound like the “I spent 2200 Euro so it has to be cool” guy but this synth is sooooo good! First time in a while that I don´t think “I could do this with software faster and better”. A few features that I didn´t see on a hardware synth before:

  • Filter frequencies, Waveform settings and everything that can be modulated is animated on the screen. I always missed this on hardware after I got used to it with software like Serum or Zebra
  • It has an Analyzer like EQ Eight in Ableton which helps building sounds a lot
  • There is an audio recorder which can record the synth´s output. The result can be saved and exported on USB drive or you just load it into the sampler or granular engine
  • Saving patches is fun: you can easily create your own bank, add attributes, name patches on a virtual keyboard (like on your phone).
  • FX are really good. There are five slots and it has useful things like a Compressor (also with realtime waveform and gain reduction display) and a precise EQ to eliminate resonances etc.

:face_vomiting: That is awful.

Some good features there. I think the Audio Analyzer would be handy on a lot of synths/instruments.

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Can you apply FX to an outside sound source using the audio inputs, and mix that audio with the bi-timbral synth engines (2 synth sounds mixed with external audio with FX applied to it)?

I can shed some light on this and what will happen —the first batch of Quantums that shipped had wonky buttons on top of screen --not as bad as the pic above -but wobbly ----Waldorf via their dealers accepted returns and replacements of course (no question) --however many owners decided to keep once they found out flash memory in that first batch was 8GB rather than 4GB. (Thats another storey !!!)


I personally think the Iridium is the best desktop unit since the Monomachine!


This happens with getting anything first batch. When I got the MPD232 one of the lights under the pads wouldn’t always turn on when I tap it. I got it the first week it came out. Should I have warrantied it? I didn’t mind I just kept it the whole time. I was also one of the early batch adopters if novation x station and the buttons were offset like that. I ended up keeping it though.

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