Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Yeah, no one knows what the 3.0 beta will bring. My guess is streaming samples.

The Kernals mode added in 2.0 is one of the reasons I placed my pre-order. As an addition, that mode is incredible. I love the concept of reusing the controls as macro knobs per patch and the flexibility to support DX7 and beyond.


I just want to double check on this as I know you can sample from the inputs, but I need to route my Pro3 through it. Meaning the only way I will hear the Pro3 is through the Iridium, and I’ll need that to be a clean signal. The manual is pretty vague on this and sounds like it may be limited to monitoring when you are sampling.

(in regard to the dub techno vid above) - If I could get back all the hours I’ve wasted after watching various dub techno gear videos. I love everything about them but somehow never get the sound I want. I think I get a small glimpse into the life of an addict - I can’t resist though I know I should.

I’m doing the same and route my MD through the inputs of the Iridium because I was running out of channels on my mixer. Both layers offer the option to define the input level and let you pass through the audio signal unprocessed.

Also had to search a bit because it’s not described in the manual. But it’s working :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome! Thank you so much for confirming!

After skimming the manual again, I want to ask a few owners about the last sentence in this paragraph about Kernel synthesis.

I don’t quite understand how a “sample” can be used as one of the kernels. Is that possible?

Don’t have an iridium but based on the text, a sample acting as an OSC? No?

Whatever it is, that sounds like it would be amazing ! I assume you can modulate and mix these pieces together somehow. Think of the multifarious possibilities. Are there other hardware synths, like maybe a Eurorack thingy, that can do this one Kernel thing alone ? I want to have that !

It’s not possible. I’ve asked them to revise the manual, as it’s rather misleading atm. (I too saw that and was like “a must purchase”.)

There’s also no way (currently) to use your own user-wavetables inside the kernels engine. (I’ve also asked them to add this.)


Another sound demo from Waldorf


Ice Cave @1:45 is my favorite. Resonator FTW.

Does anyone have any insight on when the Iridium will be available again in the US?

Have you asked a sales rep, like at Sweetwater ?

(Stupid childhood songs are always jumping in my head— i just started singing “ She’ll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain.”)

Good call. I just pinged sweetwater, so we’ll see if they know anything.
I’m getting the feeling it could be a very long wait.

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In Germany I got an update from my dealer 2 days ago via Email telling me about another additional delay of 4 weeks.
When I called him, he seemed to have no idea when to expect anything…

As long as I get a perfect built unit I am fine with it :partying_face:, before christmal would be nice though :crazy_face:


Yeah it certainly feels like they are not able to produce units right now. Only Waldorf knows why, and it’s not a surprise that supply chains get compromised given the state of things.


Sweetwater said my unit has an ETA by the end of this month, but warned that it’s likely to get delayed. They also reiterated that all vendors are dealing with delays related to the pandemic.

So if your a “glass is half full” person you’d be thankful we can purchase such things, and see it as a blessing that businesses are functioning at all.
And the “glass is half empty” person says “what if I wait for 6 weeks only to be told it could be multiple months. Maybe I should cancel my order, and get my 2nd option sooner.”

Depends a bit on what the second option is.

If the second option was something inexpensive you can have the cake and eat it.

If the second option was investing more time into an interesting/unusual new approach to a synth you already have … ding ding ding.

Could you just take the time and make samples that you can feed the Iridium when it arrives ?

Personally, if i had my head set on getting the Iridium, i’d probably just hold my place in the queue.

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I did think about what your hinting at :slight_smile: (a desktop hydra), and decided I wanted the Iridium even though it’s a lot more. You do have me thinking though… :laughing:

My 2nd option is actually an iMac because my MBP get’s hot when I record Youtube videos, or push it hard with Omnisphere. But, it’s a bad time to get that with Apple Silicon on the way.

Finding someone with insight on when for new Apple Silicon and hardware would be more of a challenge, and more of a wait. I suppose you’ve tried things to cool your MBP.

I actually wasn’t hinting a HSD — though i see Sweetwater has a demo unit with $80 off.

Given your 2nd option is the new Apple that you want to wait for, then for sure — wait for the Iridium !

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