Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Actually, eromain’s recent post (#2350) regarding the business/legal risks commercial composers run when they buy and use patch libraries is well-considered and interesting. It’s worth thinking about, but—not to jinx myself—I don’t think I’m exposed to that via any of my venues. It seems the whole kerfuffle at GS was all about Iridium patch libraries people had purchased as secondary products rather than anything about the Iridium’s inherent capabilities as a synth.

I’m coming to the Iridium thinking I’d never bother with a patch library product, but I realize I’ve bought several in the past when I’d never planned to just for the fun and the opportunity to learn and steal patch ideas. GEOSynths’ Peak patches come to mind. So I suppose it’s easier than you think to accidentally let something get into a recording that can become a false positive for the algorithmic police.

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I love sampling with the Iridium. I have yet to transfer samples. I just plug in my turntable or phone and sample random sounds, it’s easy. The best granular synth I’ve ever used.

This is five synths rolled into one, with 3 osc to play with!!! :100: deepest synth!


Here’s a a piece I did featuring the granular capabilities of the Iridium. The first few seconds you’ll hear the source material then it goes into lala land. I sampled directly from my turntable The Bongos Blow Up of the album Beat Hotel.


@Geneoart Really impressive and beautiful!

Is the sample about 10 seconds long?


Thank you!!! Yes around 10 secs.

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Layered mode is so good!

I’ve been working on some throw away patches just to explore, and I ran into a limit as I wanted OSC3 to have different effects than OSC1 and OSC2. Then I’m like “wait, I have 6 oscillators not 3!” and moments later built exactly what I wanted by going to Layer/Voices and turning on Layered mode.

I’ve said this before, but I keep forgetting that bi-timbral can be split or layered. It’s only because the OSCs are so deep that while designing a sound, I think “man this synth is crazy deep” then I realize I’m only using half of it (if you enable layered mode). Which is even crazier and deeper :slight_smile:


Does anyone here have experience of the factory init process?

My new Iridium has been rebooting with increasing frequency over the few weeks i’ve had it.
Now it just reboots itself continuously - i’m lucky to be able to touch anything beforehand.

I managed to use the recovery/rescue init disks.
It seems stable when reset with the init disk, but it then crashes when importing patches…

It’s likely either the flash memory is corrupted, or there’s an issue with patches and their sample locations (one patch definitely caused that crash before).

Waldorf are not responding to support messages, so this looks like the best place before a full return - advice appreciated!

If it’s possible to get a replacement that is what I would pursue. That sounds like something could be physically wrong with your unit.


Thanks - I did a full Init and flash last night.
Amazingly this time it’s only crashed once today.

Such an amazing box - i’m mentally wedded to it too much to return it just yet so cross your fingers! :slight_smile:

What firmware version is your Iridium on?

2.5.2 - I rolled back and forth from 2.5.0 and back but it didn’t make much difference.
At one point I tried the 2.5.3 beta on support’s suggestion.

After a full Init last night, it now seems stable again on 2.5.2, albeit missing some bits n bobs (like the splash screen).

But for the record, the Init process doesn’t work that well - it won’t load the resources from USB/SD, so I had to import patches and presets manually. Also noted that I had to batch up the preset imports, as it continually failed/hung about 50% of the way through every time.

I think I now know how to import all of the synths present/wavetables etc manually, but it really needs some documentation to support.

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@tjech You had to do some hard work to bring your Iridium back alive, compliments for that.

I wanted to advice you to try the 2.5.3 beta, but you already did. I use 2.5.3 beta now for about 6 weeks on my Iridium and had once a WSOD(white screen of death). But ok, it’s still a beta version, that can happen.

About the import and export, that’s buggy as you also noted. Exporting must be done in batches, otherwise the Iridium would hang after some time. I already submitted this as a bug.

But the Iridium is such a great device, it can do a lot. I’m very happy with it, and I hope your problems are over now.

I have not run into one bug but I’ve not imported any samples nor patches. I’ve recorded samples directly in with no issues whatsoever. The importing of samples and patches has to be the cause of the bug.

Perhaps it’s just coincidence, but he unit was pretty stable until I started messing with samples (imported and recorded) in the granular particle engine.

I think they’ve got some significant issues with sample management and flash memory. After this week’s rebuild, its not crashed once.

It’s such an insanely deep unit - aside from the patchy OS functions, its synth UX is super well thought through, and both immediate and intuitive. Plus it sounds amazing. I want to keep it, not return it!

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wtf, an old school tape loop:

Back in the day, teacher made us record stuff from the Buchla 100, slice and dice tape, splice it up, then loop it around a distant mike stand and back into the reel-to-reel before we were allowed to touch anything digital. Blast from the past.


So…i ordered one…my dealer told me, that he has a waiting line that is very long, and that parts delivery from chinese parts manufacturers is the problem for the long delivery times. But he also says…that if there would more units…he still could sell all of them quickly. So it seems, Waldorf created a hit here.

I have had a Blofeld and a Streichfett before, and i liked both for their sound, but sold them to fund other gear along the years.
Can someone of the owners please elaborate a bit more about the “harsh and brittle” sound character? I do hear some harshness in the demos on YT…but that´s like YT, you know?

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Uh oh; i just bought an iridium :slight_smile:


This sounds great!

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Thank you