Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Can you use two patches with different arp’s?

These are apparently the final changes before moving on to version 4.0. exciting to see the pace of development picking up again for Quantum/iridium! Could we get some more milage out of the effects with this update?


Have there been any rumblings from Waldorf about the Iridium getting a similar upgrade to the internal drive as the Quantum MK2?

They said not going to happen. a 400/MB sec USB thumb drive is faster loading patches then the internal storage. I just wish they made sample management easier to use the thumb drive for patches.

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Wait… can you load and play a patch that is both stored on a USB Drive and utilizes samples on the USB drive without importing either the patch or the samples into the Iridium? (sorry if this is a dumb question… I have been away from the Quantum / Iridium for a while).

Many Thanks!

I’m finally getting back into the Iridium after it was replaced last year, and then put into storage for ages whilst we moved.

Has anyone successfully got MIDI out from the internal sequencer?

Seems there are DIN out settings for MIDI out, but I can’t get anything to send.
I swore I got this working with an old build, but could be imagining… anyone got this to work?

you can import the patch without the samples. When you load the patch it will come up saying it cannot find the samples. You have to then point the patch to the samples on the USB drive. This is why its a pain in the ass to manage, I wish they could do something better.

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Ah… so every time you you want to play said patch, you need to redirect it to the USB drive… and if that patch uses 20 samples? you have to do the same mundane task 20 times?

You have to do it on the first load. After that it knows where to locate the sample. Yes you have to do it 20 times for 20 samples. I am hoping this is addressed in a future firmware.

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When the Iridium keys came out, there was mention of a potential future patch manager. Has there been any news on that? It’s sorely needed.

I read somewhere that it is possible to import Nave sound banks into the Iridium. Is that correct? And if so, do they sound (roughly) the same?

First attempt at doing a self generating patch on the Iridium. Just one note latched, with loads of modulation coming from the LFOs, looping envelopes and Komplex.


Really cool!

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So has anyone done more percussive stuff with Irridium? How the envelopes? Snappy?

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Six more b-stock units for $1499 from Korg USA:

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How did yours arrive? Original packaging? Condition?

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Yeah. Original box, with manual. Lovely condition. There was a minor scuffing on the front edge.

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Scot how do you like the kernels ? What is your favorite synthesis mode on the iridium ?

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I am not sure yet. There isn’t a favorite for me… I have all of this stuff elsewhere (Kyma can do all of what the Iridium does and more. In fact, when the Iridium was first announced, it inspired me to build a similar synth in Kyma, but it eventually grew into a monster with way more oscillators - 16 - and the ability to control the mix between them in a 3D space).

I am probably most drawn to the wavetable and particle oscillators for their ability to bring in and manipulate user wavetables and external samples. However, it’s really the way it brings so many things together into one cohesive sound that I found most appealing. I have yet to explore the kernels beyond a cursory glance (when I was admittedly looking specifically at their ability to act as an FM synth).

(EDIT: I’ve decided I am not likely to keep it. I don’t have the space to sacrifice for thing I can already do with other gear)


You work fast on those decisions mate! :sweat_smile:

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