Waldorf Iridium Keyboard

Yeah, do check out the Iridium thread. I’m the guy that replaced mine, and at least so far (its been a week), I have not had a single issue with the new unit. It is kind of hard to imagine being able to say something like “it doesn’t have a sound I really like.” It’s got “all the sounds” (okay, for a digital synth). I mean, the variety of synthesis engines, and the way you can interchange and mix them, with 40 mod slots, 6 LFOs, 6 Envelopes, 3 filters, etc., etc., I am having so much fun with mine right now. This is what I was hoping for when I bought it (all the capabilities without the problems).


This development also coincides with Waldorf adding MPE capabilities to the Iridium in the latest OS. I wish it were not merely “aftertouch” which I have always found kind of a drag. I wish it were true “polypressure” like the Linnstrument or the Seaboard. I like to play with a light touch, especially for ambient sounds, just kind of “grooving” into it, so having to find that 5% hard touch after you’ve pressed the key 95% is annoying to me.


Do others here know of other Waldorf synths that respond to polyphonic aftertouch or MPE ? That could be a good signal to what may be happening.

Like specifically does the M ?

I got a fiver it isn’t called the Waldorf Octopussy.


it occurs to me another feature of the Medeli / ASM keybeds besides polyphonic aftertouch is Note OFF velocity.

I have some doubts about whether the Iridium is yet to be fully MPE capable. I haven’t hooked up the Linnstrument to the Iridium yet, but looking at the Mod Matrix, I am not sure full “pressure” and assignable x axis (not just for pitch bend) is there. Maybe, but I don’t see it.

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I am not completely following you, not sure the distinction you are making. Please inform me.

Yeah i get the lack of the X direction sensing, that is to be present on Osmose for example. So i am asking about the per key pressure / aftertouch sensing.

Another view on the hinted ad, someone on the german synthesizerforum.de pointed out: It could be simply the 3.0 OS release for the Quantum/Iridium. Although the picture is not showing a Quantum and neither a STVC…

… with no new physical hardware as part off the release.

OK, and so the “Working. Under. Pressure.” and the photo of a keyboard, could just mean they’re working hard to get this firmware release done, which also has MPE expression as part of it.

Do i understand ?

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Yes, possible.

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if so then it is another company adopting the Medeli technology.

ADDED : And it turns out the poly-aftertouch keybed Waldorf uses is from Fatar.

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I think M, Kyra and Iridium all can take polyaftertouch. In the M the call it Polypress as a mod source.

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Exactly. I’m sure the problems people are raising are real, it’s just that I’ve had the opposite experience. The Iridium is one of the most stable and well built synths I’ve used. I’ve had mine for over a year as well.

Regarding the new Waldorf, I’m wondering if it’s an upgraded version of this:


Thanks for that !

So a controller from Waldorf, that had hooks built in and is friendly with all three, even all three simultaneously, could make sense for Waldorf. It would help sell the controller and reference sell all three synths too.

Think of the capabilities / ( status ) of owning all four parts. A keyboard with lots of special controls and the ability to split the keyboard between synths would be really powerful.

I could see Waldorf bringing in Axel Hartmann again to do the user interface on this sort of controller monster.

Does it need a sequencer and/or arpeggiator ?

ADDED : For Gino, add in a nice CV interface for this controller !


If it is called that it’s an instant buy. It could sound bad like a raveolution but I would still buy just for bragging rights

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Reminds me of when I bought my Blofeld, I bought it as soon it was announced and it had no issues what so ever but everywhere I read everyone was having all kinds of issues, with the screen with the potentiometers with syncing but mine ran perfectly. Sometimes it just comes down to luck of getting a solid unit from a good batch I guess. For me the iridium I got just sucked and I didn’t want to deal with sending it out to be looked at me I never really fell in love with it so I was happy to part with it.


I think many of their synths respond to poly aftertouch. If you check the micro q and blofeld manuals it is in there. I don’t have a controller that sends poly aftertouch though, so I have never tried it.

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That would be awesome. I regret not buying a second KB37 when they were at close out prices.


And now they’re teasing a sequencer…

Waldorf VA, with Elektron sequencer, and ASM PolyTouch tech… damn the prospect of that has me drooling copiously

I didn’t get sequencer from those words. My thoughts where more about expressiveness.

Still very curious. Could still only be a new firmware for the quantum. Hehe