Waldorf Iridium Keyboard

The numbers in the caption and “the countdown is running” gave me sequencer vibes. Maybe it’s an existing synth with a sequencer added? Or maybe a sort of advanced Arturia keystep with also a synth engine built in?

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Aah good spot! So it looks like we’re seeing the left side of the instrument, the number part seems next to the keys. So maybe no traditional mod/pitch wheel?

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Let’s not forget the Kyra engine, with its 500 billion voices and multitimbrality, would be a very natural choice for a keyboard like this. Also, since they brought back the Microwave as the M, maybe this will be a new Q?

If the keyboard does have poly-aftertouch, i think it is a safe assumption for Waldorf to eventually do more than one product with it. So whatever this is, watch for more later.

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Got to say, the Rocket hasn’t been on my radar.

So i looked for a short music only video to demo it.

There are probably better demos but it gives a flavor. ( What’s with the gloves ? )

If this new synth is based on the Rocket, and i’m not convinced that it is, it feels to me a bit of an unexpected direction.

Perhaps the Rocket is just a part of it, in combination with other parts ?

Or maybe it’s a reasonable priced poly-aftertouch controller, with a Rocket synth built in to have it stand apart.

Every clue is pulling me in new directions. The second tease had me strongly going one way, but this tease has me going quite another. I just don’t know.

This would be sick! I slept on the rocket, something i regret

Unless, of course, you want a “Quantum” without keys, which to me is the whole point of owning an Iridium. So, any flavor of Iridium/Quantum with keys doesn’t interest me at all. I will stick with my Iridium.

I do hope it is something in the Quantum/Iridium line though, since it makes it more likely that Waldorf will continue active and significant development of the OS.

Think it might be a Blofeld 2 Keys, an Iridium with cut down features, like no Samples, no Kernels, no Resonator, no Granular. In KB form with ASM’s Poly AT. Might sell although the Korg Modwave is better value although plasticky and super light/cheap build

Well its got buttons.

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Or a purple lit landing strip.

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6 part synth?

6 parts with lift off… :slight_smile:

I sure hope so! I seem to have misplaced my last landing strip.

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Iridium Keyboard


Interesting… so it’s a Fatar TP8 with poly pressure. Really wish it used Kyra or some new design instead of Iridium. Oh well.

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Didn’t expect that (I thought the Iridium was the desktop+digital version of the Quantum). So much in that video sound like 80s Tangerine Dream.


Strange it does not look like a TP8 at all… and the price… ouch :expressionless:

EDIT: Fatar Keyboard seems to be a new development. Interesting

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I am glad it is an Iridium Keyboard (as an owner of an Iridium desktop). Means more resources and extended life to the OS development of my desktop Iridium. It must also mean they’ve decided the Iridium has been a winner for them, which kind of surprises me, but am glad to hear it.


Now, comparing this to the Quantum, this is a great deal and hurts the Quantum’s sellability.
Better price, poly pressure, double the voices… you lose the analog filters, but you get a lot.

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Where to for the Quantum ?

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