Waldorf M

I think I could help out as well, I know one of their sound designers personally…


Yes! Enable this – the machine is just a perfect match for the man IMHO

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Thank you guys, that is very kind. I’d be more than happy to talk to them.

@softflow @plusn


I would like to talk to M face to face : )robert-brown-british-actor-6a305fe8-12a4-41e0-863e-84cb4be67f2-resize-750

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What do you think guys, will there ever be keyboard version of M?
16 voice
with a bit better interface - bigger screen, more controls on the face,
with nice split / multi mode and 4X sequencers

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I’m pretty sure this will be my next synth, but not before 2023 though…
The sound is so beautiful and strange compared to other wavetable synths I’ve heard.
I love how it looks too.


I think a keyboard version would be cool… only additional face level controls that would really be needed is to have the envelopes be fully laid out and maybe some surface level controls for the new digi filters (Ms current interface design is quite good). There might be some issues around integrating multiple sequencers directly into the OS, as the M currently is it can only have one instance of the Arp even in multimode. The lead on the project left Waldorf from my understanding and is working for them freelance now, his goal is to do one last big feature push and then squash any remaining bugs and likely put the firmware into its final state. Obviously someone new could take up the reigns and helm a keys version but the way it has been talked about I kind of doubt a keys version will show.

I almost think it would be more worth waldorfs while to make a keyboard (a bit like that eurorack keyboard they used to make) with rack mounts for a M/iridum/kyra and maybe include a unique sequencer as part of it. Kind of seems like a far fetched product idea though unless they keep putting out more units in the format.


What do you feel could be better about the interface? I like the screen. It’s better than a lot of other modern synths I’ve had.

There is possible to do splits and stuff like that in multi mode. But no sequencers and only one arp.

The KB37 - 2 !

It would have the old Eurorack interface features, without the actual Eurorack opening
It would have the smarts for a USB interface to the M/Iridium/Kyra.

You could switch between.

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That would be amazing!

I like this idea of M or Iridium controller keyboard!
Actually if id won’t show up I want to build something similar based on Novation SL mk3

Struggling to get my head around it a little bit since I’ve never really been seriously tempted to throw upwards of £1000 even at analog polys, but I have an M scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Having never owned a house or car it’s comfortably overtaken my Fender Jaguar as the most I’ve ever spent on one thing! Felt a wave of anxiety soon after purchasing but I’m slightly more comfortable with it now.

The mad thing is I generally totally ignore wavetable stuff because the smoother modern incarnations don’t do a lot for me, I only really seem to like the 80s ‘grunge into analog filter’ variety and that didn’t seem like something I’d ever have the chance to use. Trying to rough up Pigments or whatever with PPG wavetables never seems to get close.

So when I clicked on a video review of the M having seen no hype from it I was smitten from the first sound I heard… At this point I’m thinking it’s worth the money just to stop me from wasting time listening to demos of it! I hope it sounds as magical to me in person.

What I’ve found strange about listening to M demos is that so many of the sounds remind me of Drexciya/Dopplereffekt. I’m sure those two will have owned some synths with wavetables but it’s definitely not the sort of gear they tend to be most associated with.


Waldorf M is a beautiful synth, the sound is amazing, the software and the UI is not the best I have ever seen, considering it’s 2022 and also considering its price, it is a little bit disappointing, but it works. Development is still in progress…

Anyway the M is a very niche synth, I should not recommend the M as the only synth in a setup, unless you you have any specific requirements for the “waldorf microwave” signature sound and/or you are a microwave hardcore.
It’s not only a wavetable synth, there are lot of them in the market, it has a very unique sound.
The waldorf blofeld has the same wavetables and the sound is very similar, it also have many other features for less than 1/3rd of the price.
Speaking of waldorf brand, Iridium blows the M away in any department it is a very capable synth and it can play the same wavetables of the M. Only “downside” it has digital filters.

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I am on the same boat - not owning house or car, the M dethroned my G&L bass as the most expensive thing. All the anxiety will disappear the moment you will hear it in person… :slight_smile:

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It was the most expensive synth i have bought as well. I just loved it from the first demo i heard. It really has character. Had a Blofeld back in the day and didnt like it as much. I think the M has a really nice sound. Everything kind of sounds nice in its own way. Had a Hydrasynth, and didnt get the same good feeling from that.


I’m sure I’m not the only one who delays taking the screen protector off new stuff until I’m sure I’m gonna keep it. I can tell you this one got whipped off in record time.

I was worried something I’ve spent the last month building up to and costing so much money would inevitably disappoint, even if just mildly, but it’s actually even better than I expected. Proper had tears in my eyes at times! I’ve not even read the manual either, just skimmed through the first 50-ish presets and tweaked some stuff. Usually I don’t bother with presets after initially running through them but that might take a while here with a thousand of them included - it feels a lot less like a chore than usual though.

Never having been much into making stuff with wavetables due to only really loving the PPG sort of sound it feels like there’s a whole universe waiting for me to discover inside this thing. I’m actually glad I’m a bit ignorant of this style of synthesis because it’s made the M worth the price tag that much more for me.

If I have a complaint it’s that it almost feels like cheating. You can pretty much just mash your face into the knobs then mash your face into the keyboard and there’s a high chance it will sound good. And if it doesn’t sound good, it’ll sound interesting.


Yeah I feel like only a few types of sounds are hard to pull out of it, zappy bass sounds definitely need to rely on the wavetable side of things more but I have pretty quickly come to apricate the way the resonance effects the bottom end on it, makes for a very playable front panel where you don’t really have to worry much about destroying peoples ears with a resonant spike even though it is self oscillating. You can always fall back onto the wavetables if you don’t want the bottom end suck from the filter res.

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It’s the only piece of gear I have bought that motivated me to sell other gear. It sounds so good I just looked at other synths like ‘wont need that anymore’.


some more patch demos :slight_smile:


1.07 RC is available here featuring PPG Waveterm import for classic mode, faster/slower LFOs, envelope stages up to 95 minutes in modern mode, more Microwave 2 filters in modern mode, modern mode bit reduction (down as low as 2 bits) and more!

Hats off to the man, he’s doing wonderful work. Really liking that the modes are now very distinct from each other with very different possibilities. Fingers crossed he can squeeze the other MW2 filters in there for filter FM etc. before he finishes everything up.