Waldorf M

Not a bad place for it to be. :slight_smile:

I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d actually be able to grab one, as I donā€™t have much space right now for new synths, and I havenā€™t done the one-out part of my one-in one-out rule for a bit, so I shouldnā€™t be spending money on more synths. :smiley: However, I sold a pretty big modular, and figured that I better do it. Glad I did. It does actually make a few of my other synths a bit superfluous, so Iā€™m carefully considering whether I should just keep a solid but a bit large setup, or maybe swap a few things out for one other thing, or something like that.

I certainly like the impressive look of having all these synths, but realistically, the way I work on my hardware setup, I can only realistically play two synths and a drum/sequence based device or two at a time.

Kind of fighting off that urge to consolidate again. :smiley: I donā€™t know what it is with my brain, but I get a bit strange when I have more things than I use at a time. :crazy_face:


I bought one from Thomann this morning, it was really cheap compared to the states on there :flushed:

I live in Los Angeles. Iā€™ve ordered an OB6 and Udo Super 6 keyboard from them in the past and it went smoothly but Iā€™m always nervous when I order from overseas. Hopefully it gets here ok. Incredibly excited to get this!


Thatā€™s what I did as well. It went perfectly fine! Oh, I will say that the power supply only came with the (I believe German style) power cable. However, itā€™s JUST the power cable that goes into the power supply brick. Itā€™s a standard two-pin style one like many things use (like TVs etc.) Youā€™ll need one like this: (I had one just laying aroundā€¦) The brick itself works on 115/230/240 etc. (auto)



Yeah I ended up selling off the Pro 2 because of the M, it just gets to the types of hybrid sounds I like so dang easily. I ended up putting my name down for the 8 voice expander, and Vlad on the gearspace forum has said next update should have improved multimode features (I think this is the first waldorf that will get that). Its basically the only synth I have used since its release and I have just been sampling it really heavily and using the sounds in the spectralis and eurorack. Even my Syntrx is looking a little worried.


I did the same thing. I bought mine through Juno and went on Amazon to get American IEC two prong cables. Tons of money saved to buy more synths


Ha! Iā€™m loving it so much that I did the unthinkable!

I have my Hydra Deluxe up for sale, sold my TR-8S, ordered a Digitone Keys (again).

Obviously I wonā€™t be able to just sit down and play keys like I did with the Hydra. That will be sad. However, the Waldorf just absolutely blows me away with each turn of the knob.

My setup will now be:

Waldorf M
Digitone Keys (for FM goodness and easy M sequencing)
Digitakt for Percussion
Strymon Timeline and Night Sky

Thatā€™s also going to fit in my limited space better.


Thank you! I think I have a couple of those laying around, older Nord racks take them (assuming itā€™s the same one!)

Itā€™s the one thatā€™s round on both sides, rather than keyed with a square one on one side.

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Your for sale post about M being a homewrecker made me laugh.

Iā€™ve had so many home wreckers over the years. Some that required sale of other things, some that required buying more partners to make them work. Just when youā€™re settled, the house of cards comes crashing down.



The only thing that I could see making me change this new setup, is if I re-arrange the entire studio again, and figure out a way to have a 61 key synth in there again WITH this new setup. (or maybe 49)


Waldorf releases a key version of the M, and then I could swap out the Digitone keys with a normal Digitone, and swap the M for an M-keys. :smiley:

Iā€™m getting to be less gassy these days, so Iā€™m able to keep things a lot more stable than before (at least with the major items). I just knew since the announcement that Iā€™d want an M, finally got it, and it cause that change of partners idea. After the trauma of selling two XTs and an XTk, I HAD to have the M. :smiley: I prefer the Digitone (and especially the key version) for MIDI sequencing, and thatā€™s exactly what this Waldorfian Delight seems to be begging for. :slight_smile:

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I ordered from Thomann today but see that juno records has it cheaper.

Iā€™ve never ordered from juno. Can anyone tell me if one is better than the other? Hopefully theyā€™ll let me cancel or price match it. Every dollar counts!



I havenā€™t ordered from Juno, so no comment there.

Hopefully the M wonā€™t turn your studio inside out. :wink:

Yeah, one issue currently with playing the M from the elektron stuff is the built in arp doesnā€™t work properly with the style of note off midi that elektron uses but this should also be fixed in the next update from my understanding. Pretty minor because the arp is pretty standard on the M but still would be fun to be sequencing the arp.


Ah, I remember seeing that posted here, or at Modā€™s. I think I can get by for a bit. :smiley:

The sound on this thing. I love synths. In general. Iā€™ve always got something good to say even about some synths that some people find questionable. Iā€™m rarely completely blown away though, and this synth does exactly that. I canā€™t wait to keep digging.


Always great to see someone absolutely stoked. The M really seems like a very special synth. I was captivated by the sound instantly and from time to time I watch reviews of it. Such a pleasing sounding synth and an instrument to be explored for a LONG time for sure.


I ordered one from juno last week because they were on sale for under $1300, and somehow it got to me safely in orange county, ca in just 2 days from the uk! Crazy! Just waiting for fedex to bill me for the import fee, which is supposedly $80-$100. The $2500 mark up in the states that Korg puts on waldorf and their own gear is completely overpriced compared to europe. Also glad my ps5 cable worked with the power supply haha


If I knew Waldorf M was on sale at Juno, I would have place an order as well. It is one of the few synths on my wish list, but the markup in the USA is ridiculous. I will definitely order from Europe.


Yeah thatā€™s another thing I donā€™t understandā€¦the shipping can be so quick! When I ordered the Udo, it came super fast. Way faster than, say, sweetwater.

I did have to pay like 160 to ups eventually but it was still worth it.

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Mine came from Juno they are fast. That strong dollar has me looking at a super 6 desktop. Iā€™m going to Seoul for two weeks so hopefully itā€™s still there when Iā€™m back


I bought mine for 1400 from them and it was 96 dollars brokerage fees. Not bad. The rest of the money I saved went to the beer budget.

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