Waldorf M

Hi @ Tchu
Im from Quebec too.
Cant Pm you (profile is hidden) so i will let the info here.
I’ve bought the M from Andertons Music Co.
There was a 49 euro fee for shipping and duty and tax (15%) for a total of : CAD 451.03
The price of the M was : £1 265,16 GBP so about 2107,73 CAD
So the total amount was about 2600$ CAD all include. Way way cheaper than ordering from the US :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot @sovietpop! I’m in Montreal.

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Weird, I did receive PM messages before.

Guys, can someone explain me how to use PPG Waveterm Transition,

What i understood is, you get with the 1.0.7 firmware 64 PCM in the internal flash… But i have not found them…

So what is the step please ?


Thanks for your intervention! It triggered an answer (was you, right?).

Sometimes I feel invisible in that forum. I appreciate the support :blush:

For others: I’m referring to that thread:

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Yeah, sometimes stuff more or less gets passed by over there it seems… unless it is 2 people bickering about something :sweat_smile: I found usually @ ing vladis will get a response but yeah more of a last resort as I dont really want to bug him.

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I found the information by roaming the gearspace thread I linked above.

There was a link somewhere with the samples from many old Waldorf synth, and then some info for how to load them (one by one, slow process as it is) in the M.

I thought that it only was possible on 1.08 though.

I couldn’t tell you from memory about all of this. If you can’t find it in the thread I could do some digging when I find time.

In the end, it’s worth, gives me interesting sounds. Be aware of the fact that I was talking about above, not bad sounding, but the other osc sounds different when you use transitions.

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Yeah same, I’m mindful pinging him.

For instance I’m curious about the next firmware, there are a few quirks that he confirmed wanting to work on, such as MIDI sync, potentially addressing a weird behavior with synced LFO (when it acts at once on all voice and doesn’t do that unless you use the AD envelope for it) etc…

But I don’t dare asking.

Thanks a lot man i will try to find all the information too, :slight_smile: cheers

On a nutshell, you have to get samples in the right format. I used those lined there, so they work. I don’t remember what’s the format. And the ones I got are half the size of the « transition slot », or at least the ones I tried are, so I have to set the end somewhere in the middle if I want to loop them.

Then once you have that, you may go in the settings page on the M, select a single transition slot and upload one there.

I believe the file name has to be a specific format as well, but can’t remember exactly.

There’s no warning or management of transitions being replaced and potentially breaking saved presets.

Archaic but sonically rewarding, is my take on it :blush:

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Got it :
“1. Visit the Waveterm library Vlad linked to and download the complete zip or some individual wav files (edit: actually it seems like you should stick to the zip, I assumed the individual files were the same as its contents).
2. Put the wav files in a folder called TRANSITIONS on the SD card root .
3. Go into the system settings, select the wav you want to use with ‘trans. file number’ then the slot on the M where you want the wav to go with ‘trans. load slot’.
4. Go to the operations menu and select ‘import transition’.
5. Go to the osc menu, enable transitions, select the slot number you just copied the wav to.
6. Wonder at all the new possibilities this machine now has !”


wait, im confused now. is this newer than the beta 1.08 RC6 or whatever the most recent vlad posted one on gearspace is? have they officially released 1.08?

There was an official release of 1.08 which as far as I gather here is now only visible on the German version of the Waldorf website.
AFAIK it’s identical to the 1,08RC6 found on gearspace

I could be wrong about that…


Yes, as amaury says, this official 1.0.8 posted above should be beta 1.08 RC6.

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i am so in love with this synth. there’s some serious magic in it

had it back for a day and a half and made like 20 presets already

cant get over how fun it is to explore. the thing is that no matter how much you patch, you’re always going to get new results with a little tweaking. so it seems like it never really gets old. there are always new textures or new rhythms to create within even your old presets. i guess that’s true for all synths, but the m just feels unlimited in a way that i haven’t felt with anything else


Excellent sounds!

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Yeah nice sounds, very modern sounding too.

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That’s great thing about wavetable synths, timbral changes within an already setup patch are just a slight change away.


Yeah a lot of times I’ll go back to old patches if I’m in a sound design rut and see if I can adjust them a little bit I usually just make them worse because it took a lot of tweaking to hit the sweet spot

But with the M it seems like there are so many new sweet spots. It’s one of those synths where it can be a little overwhelming all of the possible combinations that you could choose. So in a minute or two an old patch is a completely new sound and it’s usually even better than before

@Scot_Solida @HBIII thanks, fellas

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I’d be extremely keen for a breakdown of that first patch. Incredible modulations.