Waldorf M

Sure, everyone has to make their own call about what companies to buy from. I bring up the build quality fails because as someone on another continent, it makes me steer away from Waldorf unless I have a good reason to buy—if something goes wrong and I’m out of warranty, getting a fix here for Waldorf stuff may not be simple. Novation, Sequential, Roland, Yamaha—I know they are careful about what they make and about supporting it. So I lean towards them. (Sequential is also almost down the street, which feels reassuring.)

But to reiterate: The M seems very well-made to me. So maybe I judge Waldorf too hard.


Totally, everyone should make informed decisions. I’ve avoided potential pitfalls, and i’ve been burned by scenarios I either expected (or should have.)

It’s all about realistic expectations, and whether the manufacturer deserves your personal support, no?

I think there’s a separate disappointment-seeking mindset more closely related to fantasies and GAS than informed reasoning, but a separate topic :wink:

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Some of those initial batch QC issues can happen to any company for any product really. Definitely unfortunate, and it does color peoples’ opinions. In these cases, the response of the company involved is more important though IMO, as well as their track record. I also know that Waldorf has both responded quickly and wonderfully, and also slowly and lacking in communication in some cases. I’ve heard stories of both, just like I’ve heard stories of both with other companies. I guess it just makes sense to take a sampling of all that, and make up one’s own mind.

In Waldorf’s case, they’ve always built synths like tanks, if you look at their products as a whole over the decades. I’ve had one XT, one XT-30, one XTk, one Q-Rack, one Micro-Q, one Blofeld, a Pulse, a Pulse Plus, and the M. All of them absolute tanks.

I think in the case of the Iridium screens, this was their first product with a large touch screen, (this and the Quantum) and in these modern form-factors. Definitely a bit different than the things they had built in the past. It’s also not just Waldorf involved at this point. Korg is their major backer (if not owner these days (can’t remember the details). So it’s not just Waldorf building things in house.

I’ve emailed them about things that were years and years out of warranty, and always got a friendly reply to my questions. However, I’m also someone that can service my own gear when it’s that old, so I’ll admit that doesn’t count too much for someone completely relying on that warranty.

On the other hand, I’ve never needed to ask them for warranty service for anything that I’ve bought new, so that’s not a bad sign either.

I’m definitely not talking down issues that others have had. It’s no fun to get faulty gear. It’s just that I don’t think Waldorf has earned anything close to a reputation for flaky gear, build quality issues, (beyond initial new product run type things) etc. Elektron has had some issues like this. Sequential has (Prophet 6 mounting screw issue anyone?) and all of these companies responded, and fixed future runs. It could happen to a small company, it could happen to Korg or Roland. Unfortunate, but definitely possible for any new tech or new process.

Anyway, not trying to persuade anyone to change their minds. Just offering my own experiences and counter points.

Also, to some of the points above, people with no problems with their gear tend to be a lot quieter than people who have an issue. You could have a hundred happy people and two very noisy unhappy ones. (just as an example)


I definitely appreciate hearing your experience, based on your owning a lot of Waldorf gear.

I’m curious: What Prophet 6 mounting screw issue are you referring to? I’ve had a p6 desktop for years, never heard of that problem. Certainly Sequential has made their mistakes (extra components on circuit board of early Prophet 5-Rev4; encoder issue years ago on early Dave Smith stuff).

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It may have been one of the other more recent synths, but there were a few people that had a couple of screws loose inside the synth. It could have been the first batch of Prophet 5s actually. Can’t remember for sure. It was quickly resolved for those users, and I never heard of it being an issue again. I believe it was a few users on GearSpace. I think I chimed in, in a similar fasion about it being possible for even the finest boutique builders or the most mass-produced average companies. Intel put out a processor with math issues back in the 90s. :smiley: I mean, it really can happen to anyone, any company, any product. Hopefully they resolve it to their customers’ satisfaction.

As far as Sequential/DSI goes, I’ve had two Prophet Rev2 16s over the past couple of years, and they were solid as rocks. ZERO issues, absolutely beautiful to play, and Sequential is cool in that they trust their users to install their voice expanders. :smiley:

I actually can’t remember a synth purchase that I’ve made in recent years where I thought that there were any problems with QC. I haven’t had to send anything back for repairs, warranty work, or anything of the sort. I’ve had some companies go above and beyond, and send me components, PCBs, etc. that I needed to restore an older synth though.

Oh, actually there was one, and they were exceptional. I had a bad screen on my Bluebox. I contacted support, sent them a quick video of the issue, and they had a new screen on the way to me the next day. (I asked them for the screen to do the repair myself. They offered to fix it for me.)

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Vlad has posted on Gearspace that Waldorf have agreed to let him keep working on the M until at least the end of this year and that there might even be more new features!

The latter surprised me considering the previous issues and it sounds like it might require a major re-write so I can’t help but feel he might’ve been better keeping that to himself in case of later disappointment :sweat_smile:. But he does like to be transparent, bless him.

It does give me a bit of hope that Waldorf are wanting him to stay on through the keyboard launch though. I’m clinging to anything at this point.


Lolllll playing with danger, but surely he is a bit more judicious in how he is presenting any information at this case :wink:

It’s all down to how much it sells, no?

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Yeah, you’d think. Like I doubt the Kyra will get one as my impression (which could well be completely wrong since it’s only based on online discourse) is that it hasn’t done so well but I have no idea really with the M. Obviously it’s been really well received but has that translated into ‘enough’ sales? Obviously enough to keep Vlad on for a while yet so hopefully it’s done OK for them…

Yeah, communities centered around any hobby can be melodramatic or reality distortion fields unto themselves. I lurk occasionally in Reddit /r/hobbydrama because it’s mostly pleasant fixations and I’m rarely informed on every one of the subcultures.

I don’t like speculating about private business and similar insider baseball for a number of reasons, it’s kind of boring inside baseball and doesn’t improve my connection to whatever instrument at best, at worst the product stats/production planning details just get me too close to GAS.

I don’t mean to spam here, but I have never felt like I’ve gotten this deep with a synth to the point where every day I make a patch that is better than the ones I made the day before

I think these are pretty good and hope that others find them useful as well. The M still blows my mind every day. Never felt this level of connection to a synth before

Promo Code: MMMM


does anyone else’s M smell sort of like honey? is there some kind of german solder paste that smells like that or something?

pretty nice


New beta firmware if anyone is interested, sounds like multi mode is working properly again.


You might have bees.


Maybe. It seriously smells so good. It’s like an almost sweet adhesive smell? Kind of familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. I find myself sniffing it a lot. It’s only near the wave knobs, upper left


old waldorf recording i found with 6-7 M loops in the Blackbox that i thought was a pretty nice example of how rich and uniquely saturated/crushed the synth can sound


sounds nice but my virus gets me similar tones so will wait

Always wondered about the virus. Never heard demos that really stood out to me, but that’s not always a good indicator of a quality synth anyway

Which one do you have

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I have a Virus TI2 Darkstar keyboard version bought it new last year. Sounds amazing and tons of bands like Depeche Mode used them quite a bit.


new patch bank from lfostore:

