Want 3 Machines? Cant decide

So I pretty much could use 3 machines…

A4 - to CV my Voyager
Analog Rytm - Drum Pads etc
Octatrack - Mid my Virus C

So I am having a tough time deciding…
I’m also impatient about trying to buy one lol.

Give me a shout out for what you think!

OT user here for around 4 years

Yes I use it as a center piece for controlling other synths,
But to me that’s only one of its pros. It does so much for me.

Had a Machinedrum for a year, loved it but it felt redundant and had no micro timing.

Sold it and bough an A4… Awesome stuff, still getting used to it. But I know after a few weeks of having it that a 4 voice synth could never cover the mileage the OT offers.

OT all the way for me

Concur on the OT. Pair with a Virus is epic.

Also don’t buy a Rytm for the pads, they’re pretty much rubbish.

Is the Rytm really that bad in that regard?