Was it released too soon ? [compilation topic]

From what I’ve read the issue with encoders isn’t completely gone with 1.02. Or do they now function perfectly with no “getting used to”?

I’ve read the same you have, this is a forum after all, and a lot of people think the encoders are much more precise the way they work now, in spite of the tweaks that still have to be done to make them work as they should. And we’ll see, but given how software development works, I expect future tweaks to make them even better.

The point I was making, was that you are comparing your findings with old firmware.

If I have to explain to you how software development works, let me know.

The way I look at it its not that the encoders are more precise its that the parameters that they adjust have finer resolution. Most parameters on Rytm for example only have 128 values to select from, since DT’s parameters go to the hundredths in decimal points, there is 100 times the available values to dial in more precisely. I don’t have an A4 but I think I read it has more parameters than Rytm that have the higher resolution.
The DT’s encoders were updated by software so they have a better response to be able to now dial in these 99 values between each digit value, I don’t know if they need another update as I don’t have one…

They are though … irrespective of the resolution they’re addressing on a given parameter, the encoders themselves are intrinsically more precise, i.e. they can’t just pull over old code to slot into place, they’re discovering how best to get these encoders to play ball … the arc over which the encoder will register a step change is much smaller now, so monitoring acceleration and so on is more of a potentiality . .obviously we have fixed twisting ranges, but the encoders can perceive more gestures within that, when they work as desired


This is the first device I have ever heard of that has so complicated encoders it requires multiple firmware updates to make them work properly. One would think Elektron has enough experience with programming encoder behavior that they would get it right with first try, unless it’s a hardware problem.

And sure, if you have the time, you can explain me about how software development works, as you obviously seem to be an expert in that area.

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Ideally Elektron ads a calibration like thingy for the encoders. That way anyone can adjust the encoder response to how they like it. I’m fine with being more delicate when turning them. Really liking the high resolutions.

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I totally agree, I got my OT the second it was made for sale from the elektron website preorders some years ago and the bugs on its OS were horrendous.

It took a couple of updates for it to be made stable (like 6 months after release) and I eventually fell out of love with it.

Havent used one again since then - but from what I hear now its on point.

Sometimes it really feels like elektron launch these products early on within the beta testing phase just so us consumers can help with the dirty work :slight_smile:

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i had random crashes with my Digitakt running MIDI stuff … but overall i must say: it wasnt that bad! did some basic Syncing and CCing pre 1.02, worked ok, did it post 1.02 and just finished three Videos on my YouTube Channel having the Digitakt controlling and sequencing three different pieces of Kit. I had no REAL trouble at all.

I dont know what insane MIDI configurations you guys must have, but i had no real issues so far. what i did was simply working! Back at the OT Days … this was much more pain. We did not even had MIDI the moment the OT was released !! So … it couldve been much worse mates, never forget that :wink:

midi out runs fine, well known in the meantime. There’s nothing more complicated than a single device on a dedicated DAW which sends a complicated sync, or even more complicated a clock! :wink:

OT: I will never forget the times when there was no MIDI at all…:elot:

I remember running midi stuff from an Atari ST or something like that. Controlling an SH101 and a 707 and 606 with it. Those were the days :sweat_smile:

yeah, an Atari ST, nice! Unfortunately I didn’t have the money in those days to have one for my own :cry:

Do you remember this one here?

I think it’s my only (electronic) gear that survived the early 80’s. I just pushed some patterns through my DT, it sounds absolutly crazy!!! :heart_eyes:


Awesome! I like those kind of 80s machines. Do you remember the Casio VL-1?

Too much nostalgia!


I had one!
My bought bought it for me when he was on one of his business trips.
Man you just made my day haha.


Please clarify. If someone asks me if I need guidance with how software development works, how should I reply?

@lemons, please. Provocation is not the way in this place.
This is an official warning.

To everyone : you can’t explain a troll how to behave.
If you detect irrespective words, passive aggressiveness or any provocative behavior, don’t answer it ! It just make things worse… Flag it, and mods will take care of it.

Now please, let’s get done with nasty words.


I was merely responding to a troll. Or what do you think “If I have to explain to you how software development works, let me know” sounds like? That was the question I was replying to.

Other than that, I was discussing issues with Digitakt build quality. Is that still allowed?

If that’s the case then that’s why it’s suggested far earlier in this thread, and in the guidelines, to flag posts which are problematic. We won’t always be able to do something about it, but you get to raise your concern (plus you avoid making things worse) and we’ll keep an eye on things.

Let’s get back on topic and keep it respectful



I guess being patient will pay off. I’m counting on waiting more than a month to receive the digitakt. Really appreciate Elektron is working hard on fixing some major bugs. I wonder when OB will be implemented :slight_smile: with a little patience we have a very cool machine here. I do think they released it too soon, but maybe this was the only way. Elektron isn’t a big company after all.

yes, sometime the question aroses - is it a (hardware-)limitation or simply a lack of RTFM, or personal capabilities (regarding the freaks performing their maschines).

In case of hte momentary state of the DT (1.02) the answer is clear…

Me I like beta-testing. The only thing that annoys me a bit is missing information and communication. It’s not so funny to learn all this information by stepping through hundreds of posts to build a picture on my own for what has happend…

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sent clock and transport from my A4 to the Digi. Synced up nicely, no Problems! Could send MIDI Notes from the A4’s Minikeys and record them in DTs Sequencer without Problems too. Im on 1.02. Yet again - i dont know what complicated MIDI Setups you guys have :smiley: