Was it released too soon ? [compilation topic]

Ha! I admit I didn’t try to sync from box to box, only from (ERM synced)DAW. This did not cause the slightest timing problem so far, no matter how many synths are in chain (I always assure to keep theses chain as short as possible).

Maybe it depends on the point of view but I didn’t ever regard midi setup as complicated. It is imho pretty straightforward, only a few rules to consider. But I learned that some synth are more proned to syncing issues than others.

My Pro2 i.e. is one of those candidates which simply turns unusable if there was not a solid clock. DAW clock is not solid. But that was never a problem with any Elektron device - until DT (which was released too soon) :relaxed:

Edit: One of my earliest feature requests for AR and A4 was a possibility to choose from where the clock is received - either from midi port or from USB (OB).

I dont have a lot of stuff here, so i can only tell from “minimal” Setup POV and so far im really happy with the DT. I’ve synced it up to the MPC Live - right now. And it works perfectly. No timing issues so far. They stay in time, i can trigger the Tracks on the DT from the MPC and at the same time have a sequence on the DT itself - perfect Sync so far. Receiving CC is also not an issue.

So - i would really like to know what you guys mean with MIDI Problems in detail. I simply cannot replicate any issues - apart from random crashes of the DT every here and there. But those are just a few and considering that the OS is so “new” - i had waaay more issues with the OT back at the time. So - im happy :wink:

yea tbh I haven’t had it crash at all for a week or more - probably subconsciously sidestepping the known issues. :wink: Not sending clock to it. Haven’t had any crashes when loading samples either, tho tbh it’s not a thing I’ve done very much.

Used it with confidence to drive laser visuals at a party last Friday :slight_smile:

@fragezeichen on the encoders


Embrace what you have and make it work for you. Whenever I feel limited in my gear I think of Seasick Steve. A guy who makes guitars from anything, some only have 1 or 2 strings yet he makes great music with it. To me this is great motivation. Many more examples can be found I’m sure.


You won’t believe, but I’m very happy with my DT :sunglasses:

One of those problems is a crash when receiving a simple start-stop-command from DAW. Even changing a midi channel on a receving track causes a freeze. This based on USB-midi. Using the midi-ports (via usb-midi-device) is much more stable. I can imagine that using DIN-midi in a standalone-non-DAW-setup works fine. Therefore I assume that clock-jitter is responsible for these chrashes.

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[q]I don’t think there has been any dishonesty here [/q]
If someone releases a product with serious bugs that they know about but don’t tell their customers about it then that is the very definition of dishonesty.

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Sorry buddy, I just don’t buy into that argument.

Was it a little rushed to the market? Absolutely, but even without donning the Elektron fanboy tinted specs, I firmly believe it was released to the market in the belief that it was stable.

We’ll likely never know for sure either way but if it’s something that bothers an individual enough then sell up and wash your hands of “big bad Elektron”. You’ll feel better for it!

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You must be under the delusion that people who design and sell electronics do not test their products extensively.
In reality that’s impossible as it would represent an incredible risk to the company. They could release a product with a fatal flaw and end up losing all their money they put into development (people returning the products, the company paying for replacements, etc, etc, etc).

So from a real world perspective it is utterly impossible for elektron to not know the state of their firmware. They could not have released the products they did if they didn’t internally have a pretty strict regime of firmware programming.

Sigh…I can’t really be arsed arguing about this especially when it involves a heap of conjecture.

Bottom line, Digitakt is stable for me and plenty others. I’ve had one crash in the 2 weeks I have owned it. That crash was due to the known midi sync issue. Shit happens and mistakes can be made but I simply don’t see anything to suggest that Elektron have committed some heinous crime of dishonesty with this release.

Gonna have to agree to disagree on this one methinks.


I’ve skimmed through this thread and concluded , I’m sure they’re aware of the issues and response on here , I doubt it’s what they wanted to do , but we are where we are .

I’m using it for hours each day , more than any other gear , and getting nice results.
Elektron have invested a lot in this , give them time and it’ll be all good. Otherwise their business model isn’t sustainable.
Meanwhile I’m on this forum less , doing music more.

And , I like the pads .

And , many games are mastered weeks in advance of release , knowing there are some issues , reliant on a day 1 patch. This isn’t too different.

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Apologies for my view-obstructing arm :panda:


hi umonox, i posted this in the bug thread before, maybe you could replicate and see how it goes for you…

i have my micromonsta on DT midi A, playing a long sweeping pad chord. when i stick to a single pattern the sound is played constantly, there is no note off. when i switch between patterns 1 and 2 with the same chord in the same place on both the sound cuts out then starts again when the note is triggered


:slight_smile: lots of options there and none of 'em bad :wink: hope you can settle on something that works for you :slight_smile:

That’s not really stable. Most hardware never ever crashes. I have many hardware devices and they have never crashed, even after extensive use.
So calling it stable is a bit too much i think. But its not completely unstable or something, i understand this distinction, sure.

And i have never claimed such a thing.
I just say that they most probably knew beforehand about this bug yet didn’t warn their buyers of this fact. Actually, i’m pretty sure they advertise this feature at this very moment. And that is pretty much the definition of dishonesty. Is it a hideous crime? Nah. But for the money you pay i would expect more.

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Well, this is where i get worried.
I have a Rytm, and i kindof feel it was never completely finished.
It was released, what, over 3 years ago and still no proper sample management.
Apparently i have to wait until they release the digitakt before they make a proper sample transfer option.

This kind of hints to me that they may be in trouble, using sales of new devices to pay for development of older devices.
That’s not a thing a small company can keep up for long.

But there may be several reasons for this kind of behavior. For instance, it can be hard to find appropriate embedded programmers or something like that. Maybe they just have growing pains because of success. I’m not sure yet. But my spidey sense is tingling. They seem to be on a strange trajectory right now, putting their bets on a payed version of OB and whatnot.


I’m sorry, but elektron boxes are not ($50) games. They are supposed to be professional instruments that should be stable as f*ck. People use them to address thousands of people in live shows and whatnot. Please don’t compare this to cheap entertainment toys.
And even in gaming, companies get a lot of flack for releasing buggy products and as you say they even have a fix ready at the moment their product is shipped.

It’s actually quite sad that you accept such behavior. It was sad when it happened to software and its even sadder that this is coming to hardware.


i appreciate from a consumer point of view a game might be $50 , but investment wise they can be $200 million + and take over 3 years to make with massive teams.
after many months of working late , locking down a release candidate and trying to stop adding new features , no one on any team would want to let their audience down. no chef would take ages to cook a meal just to put raw chicken on the plate … its just not an intentional situation.

i agree , it should be stable , but i’m just thinking that they’ve got the message and i expect they’re working on it.
but you make a good point , bugs are bugs and expecting them to be fixed is fine , expecting features that were promised at launch is fine . dev feedback on forums such as this , to acknowledge issues are being addressed has become a vital part of after sales. this is the 1st product i’ve bought at launch from elektron , but my experience has mostly been very positive .

i think novation have recently shown how well it can go with the circuit (if you excuse them for forcing people to login with facebook).


There is a standalone version of components now which does not require any facebook login.

exactly… customer feedback got it developed further… various versions, some free , some paid.
worked out well in the end.

Well, my point was kindof that with a game it doesn’t really matter so much if the game crashes.
But imagine you rocking out a 10.000 crowd and your machine stops working. That is scary stuff.

Anyway, you see my point :slight_smile: