Was it released too soon ? [compilation topic]

I agree its a piece of shit. Feels cheap. I returned it before the 14 day guarantee for a used A4. Haven’t looked back. BTW you know conditional trigs can be achieved manually on OT pretty easily using slices? Albeit a workaround

Absolutely, spot on.

Personally, I didn’t pre-order as I’ve had my fingers burned a number of times over the years by jumping straight in on v1.0 products, including those by companies much bigger than Elektron ( Apple, I’m looking at you here).

I do however have every faith that Elektron will get the initial teething troubles sorted soon, and so I reckon by the time I jump in (I’m thinking when Overbridge is available) it’ll be a sweet bit of kit and all the initial bugs will be long forgotten…


I AGREE with this post 100%

Do you remember the OP-1?

I have to agree on that.
I never heard of a video game that crashed when you connected a joystick making it unplayable unless you used keyboard and limiting your possibilities.
Bad trend and I know for a fact I will not jump into the “day zero” hype ever again.


I have to admit I think the midi issues and freezing are a sign they have dropped the ball. You cannot play live with it in its current state. I pre-ordered and love it but I own an A4 which a fantastic stable piece of gear I’m sure had issues originally BUT Digitakt seems really unstable. Anyway , they will fix it and it will be a classic, they just screwed up the release period. It should of been more baked.

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I’m sure Elektraon have learned a lesson not to listen to Generation Now with their odd sense of entitlement in future that’s for sure. I expect teasers/release dates will be set once future machines are in a much more advanced state.

Yes its young people’s fault, ha. Sounds like another blame shift to me.

"Blame distrubution " it’s called in this country.


Not really a blame shift - Elektron don’t have to listen to those mincing their eyes out after all.

There’s no way they released it when they did just because a few people on a forum started sobbing :wink: If that was the thing that forced their hand then they’d have also buckled a hundred times before with some of the more aggressively requested feature update requests etc…


I think the point is if elektron had any pressure to release it was 100% their own making, if you dont want attention dont ask for it by teasing prematurely. I think they should have skipped namm, introduced it at superbooth and released it in time for christmas, but then they might have lost sales elsewhere and thats where the unsavory side of business comes in.


I don’t mind ‘premature’ product teasing if at least the bulk of the intended ‘release spec/functionality’ is disclosed early on in the tease. Helps weigh up whether to make a purchase on something currently available or hold out a little and grab the product that’s being teased. People just need to be a little more patient :wink: Elektron’s tease on the DT sucked pretty hard tho. Way too cryptic and along the way provoked as much disappointment and/or confusion as excitement…

Of course they didn’t, I just thought I’d join in with the wild theorising for a moment.

Yes it was released too soon.



Whatever happened to that Sonic State Cenk video that was teased? On hold because of the midi problems I guess.


Oh, come off it. I normally quite enjoy your posts, but this is ridiculous.


Elektron released it at a good time. Right now there are people looking to purchase a standalone sampler and 90% of the contemplating is between an Akai MPC Live or an Elektron Digitakt. Most will gravitate toward the Digitakt for the price. And before the Digitakt launched, that contemplating was between the Live and the Toraiz SP16, so Elektron is taking sales from Pioneer and Akai right now. Had they waited, potential buyers would be content with their Live or SP404SX or SP16 and not think about a Digitakt.


Probably all true. Shame OT doesn’t get a mention tho. Most interesting/powerful box out of the lot IMHO. Shame so many people don’t click with it or have been scared off enough to not even consider trying one :frowning:


Sounds like you think it was a good time to release it for Elektron as a company. Personally, I am not so concerned about Elektron’s profits. The problem is that it was not a very good idea to release it in beta state for their customers who have to act as paying beta testers.

And if we must think about Elektron’s profits, it needs to be remembered that reputation is very important in this business and Elektron as a company has traditionally been perceived as a high quality manufacturer. By releasing half-baked stuff like Digitakt, they may lose that reputation. I for one will be careful not to pre-order Elektron products from now on.

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