Watch me trying

faktoid makes ambient and soundcapes and is doing it live…

you might want to join while I am doing this…


online again 11:40 germany local time

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Video removed ?

sorry, yes…
things, I have learned…
I need the OT Compressor to avoid peaks as stuff got really noisy and it did not sound very well :slight_smile:
next stream is in the pipes :slight_smile:

if i may, you should ( with all the equipment you’ve got ) record your session with a better sound …

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It is a bit weird, but honestly, I did not know what to expect…
I go from the mixer directly into the ipad via headphone input and the level is low and should not cause distortion…
I ran the second session through the OT compressor but that made no big difference…
I am into granular and destroyed sound but not in the way that there is bad sound…
I will have to look into that… Thank you for your comment.

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you need an interface between your mains and the ipad. Look around the forum, there was a special topic about that with people recommending different solutions. There is the expensive apogee Jam+ mobile interface, Line6 one and one cheap but very good behringer interface.