Water Pills / Ambient on the Zoom Sampletrak and Digitone

Recently, I’ve been trying to make things that sound nice and pretty on my Sampletrak. This is a little thing I put together with a little help from my Digitone. If you’ve seen my posts in the current sounds thread then you probably heard an earlier version of this little set up.

I hope y’all like it.


Love it! But shouldn’t you be posting the hip hop battle playlist?

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ayyyyy this is sick. prettier and more engaging than so much of the ambient I regularly hear.

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Lovely stuff

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I got distracted by different browser tab and then for some time got lost in the track :slight_smile:
A very cool approach, it really sounds like something from 90-s.

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That is great. I love the way the aliasing takes on a formant quality.

The sound texture could be from and LTJ Bukem production…something from the Earth series. Super!