Way behind

Still toying with the MM. Did the LFOs ever get straightened out. When I set midi LFOs the Mono’s LFOs change and visca versa. A very early number on my machine, but that’s pretty faulty, along with no LFO copy, I’ve allowed myself to become cantankerous in the use of such basics. I don’t get why people don’t comment on it, other then moving onto the next machine and the next.

Not to get caught up in the 15 - 20 years I’ve owned this thing, but smoothing over the rough spots would be as cool as having midi for the first time…well, no question mark but I’d appreciate a sign that I don’t own the one mono machine that doesn’t copy LFO nor have the Mono’s lfo change to the midi version. Save the kit…why? goes very well with MD…if it hasn’t been lost, stolen or didn’t purchase. thanks for any response.

The midi track lfo are shared with the audio sequencers tracks lfo. This is not a bug but intended implementation that is explained in the manual.


Thanks jefones, I usually don’t miss things like that unless in an addendum. Will have another look, though believe you included the answer in your reply!

page 35 of the monomachine manual


Each of the 6 tracks in the Monomachine offers 3 interlaced low frequency oscillators
(LFO’s), which can be used to modulate any track parameter. A typical application of an
LFO is to let it sweep a filter cut-off frequency. The 18 interlaced LFO’s offer 11 waveforms
and 5 trig modes. The LFO’s are tied to their specific tracks, and are shared between the
internal sequencer and the midi sequencer. The speed of the LFO’s is synchronised to the
global tempo."

Could you explain a little more what you mean by copy LFO? LIke copy the LFO page?

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I haven’t looked, but I appreciate the page reference. Yes, as in copying 3 LFOs and applying them to another machine.

I would have liked to copy LFOs as I often use EQF in one with EQG. Assignation to
the same voice as MIDI is unusual because I sometimes assign them to different channels. So the specific tracks are related to the visual rather then assigned tracks/channels. Very likely just wishful thinking, as there isn’t a separate page for the LFOs.

I could just copy the machine rather than copying LFO setups for each voice individually which is what I’ve been doing. I can’t think of any equipment that allows an LFO (3 per voice in the MM) which allows copying all LFOs, and must have been at a point where using these ‘oscillators’ to modify the sound became tedious.

As a side note, I have an early version of the Mono, where saved kits
would not save and would become altered to where the similarity wasn’t noticeable from the time I turned off equipment to the next time the Mono was in use……just unusual occurrences perhaps from a spike in electricity though power goes through two regulators. Which just meant that much more editing or starting over.
