
This was the first song of theirs I paid attention to, so amazing. Quebec would have to be my favourite Ween album.

And then songs like Captain Fantasy where they’re clearly having trouble singing it without laughing :laughing:


I love 20 golden country greats, it’s genuinely a great, well, golden country album. Fluffy is epic. But I don’t know the rest of their work so will check these links out. Cheers.


Enjoy the journey!


Mickey “Dean Ween” Melchiondo on why he hates 4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up?”

AVC: You immediately hated the song, but did it get worse with the video and radio overplay? Does your hatred continue to grow?

DW: It grows to this day.

Love this interview.


:rofl: Epic.

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Agreed. Its a fucking awful song for all the reasons. Offensive to human ears.

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Yay Ween fans unite! Love Ween and use to play some of their songs in my band when I was very young.

Did you ever see the puppet music video for fancypants? It was online once but then gone. It was funny.

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Stopped in for the thread title and realized it’s ween, not weed. Staying to listen. I’ve never heard of them.


They are not entirely unrelated :blush:


Does anyone else have the glitchy thrash album of covers cOKie Computer which was only up on their website a few years back for half a day?


I always go back to this cable tv morning talk show performance. Like a commenter says, the beginning vibe is very Tim and Eric. Then they start playing and just kick ass.


Have loved Ween since a friend in college sat me down properly to Chocolate and Cheese. Finally got a chance to see them for the first time last summer, and it surpassed even the very high expectations I had for it. What an experience.

The Mollusk remains my favorite album. Buckingham Green and The Golden Eel are just outrageously good.


I’m not at home now, but I’ll have a look around.

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My first band once got asked if we wanted to do a show with Ween and the Bordomes in Hawaii.
We had broken up just before the phone call.
I’ll forever be bummed we never got to do that.
I agree with the OP 's sentiment.
Ween was a one of a kind, ultra diverse band that was really fun to see.
Dean Ween inhaled a huge nitrous balloon after walking on stage the last time I saw them.
One of my ex’s was a Dean Ween groupie back then.
She and a few others have lots of stories how those guys were constantly in part mode.
Just a fantastic band.


One of my favorite musician-friends has been in multiple Ween cover bands, and I’ve had the privilege of showing up to play along with a bunch of nerds doing the same.

Great band, I’m not deep enough into the scene but there’s some great fans too. Jam band-adjacent but never gets too rainbow circle for my taste :wink:


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I have an oddly emotional relationship with Ween’s music as well. Something about The Mollusc, Chocolate & Cheese and White Pepper. I have strong memories of walking an hour in the pitch black morning to a job I despised while listening to The Mollusc album on repeat. Somehow the humour and the darkness and the surrealism resonated with me.

Who can explain all these thoughts?
Racking my mind
An endless barrage of shit
Racking my mind

The eel offered his help
I can’t understand
Speaking it’s truth from the bank
Now I can see

I cannot repeal
The words of the golden eel
I cannot repeal
The words of the golden eel


Truly one of the greatest bands of all time. Great performers, musicians, and masters of the 4-track.
If you’re ever taking yourself too seriously as an artist just put on some Ween, they’ll give you some perspective. The first lesson I took away from them was that a solo can be simultaneously stupid and amazing (flies on my dick).
If you don’t like them you can piss up a rope!


Saw them on their first tour of England back in 1992. At the Venue in New Cross, London. Kramer on bass. Claude on drums. Wouldn’t stop playing when curfew hit. Security sent to clear them off stage. Kramer beating them back using his dinky violin bass like a caveman’s club. Good times :slight_smile:

The following year saw them at the Underworld in Camden, as a duo. Mainly playing tunes of Pure Guava and the Pod - loads of outstandingly brilliant pop rock anthems . All the audience really wanted to hear (and constantly demanded) was Puffy Cloud, which confused them a bit. Maybe British tastes are different from other crowds…


:small_red_triangle: upvote.