Weird behaviour suddenly on one track

All of a sudden the tune drops down to -60, the play mode turns to reverse and the sample is lost.
This happens on track one. I’ve checked the other tracks and it doesnt happen.
Thought that It was because I opened logic when the loop was running but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Does anyone have a clue?
I run the latest firmware.
Regards Otto!

The ERR message seems like something weird is going on. What have you got connected over midi/USB? In any case, that seems like one for Elektron support. Head over to the site and raise a ticket.

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Ok! I’ve now concluded that this happens when I start Logic Pro X.
I use the digitakt as master it runs via Digitone and Neutron, Minilogue. I have used the logic clock to master the digitakt and vice versa without problems for quite a while now. My keyboard is connected to the Digitakt and from there I choose which synth to play.
When I disconnected the USB it didn’t happen.
But I will surely head over to the Elektron support.

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Logic must be sending midi information over that is messing up DT in some way. Or there’s a loopback somewhere. Anyway, Elektron support will know more - just be as descriptive as possible about all your routings and settings related to midi.

I’ve contacted Elektron support and while waiting for an answer I may have solved it.
Went to the port config page and saw that “receive cc/nrpn” box was checked. I unchecked it and the problem seems solved. I’m don’t know much about midi cc’s and all that and wonder how that box got checked in the first place. Anyway, shouldn’t it be possible to launch Logic without it sending weird cc messages via USB? I’m curious to see what the support says.

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