Weird length on digitone/digitakt

Hello ppl, its my first post here, so really dont know how to say Hello!, so Hello!

Im an owner of Digitone/Digitakt, I have found some “issue?” when I configure the lenght of a track for example in 7 steps, It cut every 7 steps, but sometimes (every 2 or 3 repetitions) the track restart when is on 2 or 3 step not in 7. So the phrase Im building sometimes looks strange.

This is not happening on my other Elektron machines (Cyles/Samples)

I have found that If the track Sttings I put MasterLenght as infinite this is not happening, but if for example I put track lenght in value 7/16 and Master Pattern Lenght in 16/16 happen this strange loop every 2 or 3 rounds (the track doens cut at step 7, sometimes at step 2)

Have anyone some light about this?
My hardware is on last frmw version.

Many thanks for the help

So the master length forces all tracks to reset when they reach whatever number the master length is set to, so if the master length is 2, then your pattern will reset every two steps, regardless of the length that any individual track is set to. Setting the master length to infinite is essentially turning it off, so all tracks will run freely until the pattern is manually reset or changed.

Change length simply sets the number of steps that will pass before a pattern changes. Note that this is from the start of a pattern cycle, not from when you hit the button to change the pattern.


Thats is Fin25. Thanks for the reply

The thing is that if I put máster as INF its not posible to change pattern (due the machine understand to play actual pattern as infinite) I can change pattern if play stop, but then Im broking my live set and midi sync between machines

Its strange this is not happening in cyles or samples both also9 from elektron

If you set the master length to infinite, but the change length to 64, what happens when you try to change patterns?

Let me try this afternoon. Im really new on Digi machines and probably there is a combination able to do What Im triying.
Many thanks for your help!

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You need to find a change length that fits your track lengths, mostly there is a common number that all tracks divide equally into, if not focus on which track drives the main groove and use a multiple of that.

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Many thanks Digimatt, youre right on this. Yesterday I was making test and found those values on each pattern, but was strange for me to think about that was a solution.

You may find the new song mode is useful, not my thing but you can keep the tracks on infinite and use the song mode to choose how many steps play before a change happens.