Weird MD problem when changing patterns

So I just encountered a weird problem. When changing patterns in the banks the pattern is changing, but the kit associated with that pattern isn’t changing, as well. It’s keeping the kit that was playing beforehand, so the sounds are the same, just a different arrangement. Kit name is also staying the same. Weird. Am I having a brain fart and forgetting something here?

Will be a bit problem for my upcoming live set! A bit boring, as well!

Hey! are you in Classic mode by any chance? (the button at the top left corner) happens to me occasionally, and I hardly ever look there for some reason.

Yep. I’m an idiot. That’s what it was! I never look in that corner either.

The thought that classic might be the issue actually came up in a dream last night, weirdly…


no worries, weve all learned the hard way