Weird MIDI Garbage issue from Thru port

I’m having a very strange MIDI issue that I can’t seem to figure out. My setup is a little convoluted, so I’ll try to explain it as best I can.

I have a couple of MIDI controller devices running into a MIDI Solutions 4-into-1 MIDI merger (just a MIDI box that takes 4 inputs and merges them into a single output)

If I just have the keyboards going into the merger, and the merger going into the Monomachine’s MIDI input, everything is completely fine. So I assume the merger is working correctly.

What I want to do is also merge the Mono’s clock and program signals into this chain of input devices because I have a whole chain of synths “downstream” that I want to control with this setup (A4, Pulse 2, Microwave XT).

So here’s how I have it cabled: the Monomachine’s MIDI OUT goes into the merger box, along with the controllers. The output of the merger then goes into the MIDI IN of the Monomachine (because I want the keyboards to be able to control the Mono as well). I then run a MIDI cable from the “THRU” port of the Mono running out to the rest of the synths in the chain.

I have the Mono set to ignore incoming clock, transport, and program changes, so it shouldn’t be triggering itself with anything.

OK, now for the issue:

It all works just fine: the Mono and all downstream synths are picking up signals just fine, and the Mono can send transport and clock signals that get sent right on down the chain… UNLESS I sent any MIDI signal from one of the keyboards on a MIDI channel of 10 or higher.

As soon as I send a single note on Channel 10, the Thru port on on the Monomachine starts barfing out a neverending stream of junk MIDI data constantly until I shut it off. It will cause any synths down the line to start wigging out (my Eventide Timefactor actually displayed a MIDI overload message)

Playing anything from channel 1 through 9 works without an issue, but the second I send even a single note on channel 10 through 16, it flips out.

I know it’s a little fucked up to have the MIDI Output of the Mono being routed into a merger that then goes back into it, but if it can succesfully ignore the clock and transport signals, that should be fine, right?

Also, I figured that if this configuration was just bad, it wouldn’t work at all, not that it would work on the first 10 channels and barf on the last 6.

Completely at a loss here. Thoughts anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:

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You don’t have channel 11 set to multitrig or anything? I’m not near my mnm to check the defaults right now.

Either way the routing sounds like a recipe for disaster. You’re feeding a stream back into itself. Midi data is slow and over-inflated at the best of times.

You didn’t tell us which channels you’re using on your gear, especially the Monomachine. If you give us a list, we might be able to help.

Yeah you need something a little fancier than that 1 to 4 box, probably a proper MIDI patchbay. I can vouch for the Kawai MAV-8 for something simple and the Digital Music Corp MX-8 for more sophisticated routing and processing options. There’s also software options, and I’m working on rolling my own right now but I don’t know if/when I’m going to share it.

Nope. MultiTrig is set to Channel 7.

The Mono is set to receive MIDI Channels 1 through 6 for each of its tracks, and MultiTrig on Channel 7. MultiMap and AutoTrack are disabled.

Downstream from the Mono, I have the Analog 4 taking input for its 4 tracks on Channels 8 through 11, the Waldorf Pulse 2 on Channel 12, and the Waldorf Microwave XT on Channel 13.

Past the Mono there are no more input devices, just sound modules, and all all of them have MIDI output disabled for their own Arps or Notes or Clock: the Mono is the brains of the operation, and the only Note inputs are from the keyboards.

Though for the purposes of testing I unplugged the downstream synths and plugged a MIDI monitor straight into the Thru port on the Mono, and that’s where I was getting the garbage data from

The Mono is set to receive MIDI Channels 1 through 6 for each of its tracks, and MultiTrig on Channel 7. MultiMap and AutoTrack are disabled.

Downstream from the Mono, I have the Analog 4 taking input for its 4 tracks on Channels 8 through 11, the Waldorf Pulse 2 on Channel 12, and the Waldorf Microwave XT on Channel 13.

Past the Mono there are no more input devices, just sound modules, and all all of them have MIDI output disabled for their own Arps or Notes or Clock: the Mono is the brains of the operation, and the only Note inputs are from the keyboards.

Though for the purposes of testing I unplugged the downstream synths and plugged a MIDI monitor straight into the Thru port on the Mono, and that’s where I was getting the garbage data from[/quote]

And the MIDI sequencer channels of the MM?

What are the two MIDI controllers?
Have you monitored their actual output when you switch to channel 10 or higher?
Which device is connected to the merger’s MIDI In port from which it draws power?

Mmm, I haven’t gone through and configured the Sequencer Channels. I wonder if there’s something getting triggered there.

The manual isn’t super clear on it: do the Sequencer tracks use the same MIDI channels as the synth tracks?

And yeah, I have monitored the output of the keyboards directly, and through the merger (without the Mono attached). All channels output just fine from all keyboard devices / zones, without the junk data.

For controllers right now I have a Novation Remote SL (split into 3 Zones for the song I’m currently working on: MIDI channels 9, 10 and 11) and I’m using my Ensoniq ESQ-1 as another controller, currently outputting MIDI channel 1. I have also tried swapping in my Korg R3 as a controller, with the same results.

Originally the Mono was providing MIDI power to the merger box, but I switched over to using my Novation controller for MIDI power as part of the troubleshooting.

Mmm, I haven’t gone through and configured the Sequencer Channels. I wonder if there’s something getting triggered there.

The manual isn’t super clear on it: do the Sequencer tracks use the same MIDI channels as the synth tracks?


Depends how you set it up. See the GLOBAL > MIDI SEQ > MIDISEQ SET menu.

My remote SL has a hardware in port and 2 hardware out ports. The panel controls and the hardware input can be routed to either of the outs. If yours has the same option, this might be a good solution for you for the time being.

Set it up like:

MnM -> Remote SL echoing MnM on an output -> NOT the MnM
Remote SL controls to the other output -> MnM

Then you can combine some of the SL controls with the MnM sequencer, and sequence some hardware, while still being able to use some of the other SL controls with the MnM.

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Ahhh, I didn’t realize the Remote can route the signal from Input to the Outs. Yeah, that’s a better way to do it. I was thinking of just purchasing another MIDI Solution merger box and using that to circumvent the issue, but if I can do so without buying yet another piece of hardware, I’m all for it.