Weird MIDI track behaviour

I seem to be getting some odd behaviour with MIDI tracks. I have one track sequencing my Argon on Channel 5. The Argon is not set in omni mode. All was well until [something undefined happened] and then the Argon started sounding very weird. It was receiving midi data on Channel 5 even with the MIDI track on the ST muted. I then set up another MIDI track (the weird Argon actually sounded cool so I moved on) to control the sampler in Bitwig on Channel 3, and the Argon weirdness stopped. No other changes were made apart from creating a new MIDI track.

I’ve also had track 1 (internal channel 1) being triggered from other tracks when in keyboard mode. Seems like the ST is getting its MIDI routing a bit confused?

Midi lfo ?

Possible if there is a midi loopback, and if Auto Channel is set to 1.
(Keyboard midi dest set to Auto Ch)

Thanks for the response!

Yep certainly seemed like a slow LFO on pitch. Saying that, the Argon has its own LFO on pitch so it might have been a CC affecting the depth of that LFO. The ST MIDI tracks LFO wasn’t configured.

Auto channel is set to 14.

The weird part is it going back to normal when I set up another MIDI track :man_shrugging:t3:

One thing to note with midi LFO is that an ongoing one will keep going even after you mute the track. Depending on the application, fade-out on the LFO might help.

Another workaround is to p-lock the LFO as you want it to play and then have a normal trigger to the track stop it (by turning the LFO depth to zero) when needed.


Several plocked one shot lfos maybe ? Didn’t try.

Ah that might be it! All seems fine now. Argon, euro and Bitwig sampler all being sequenced by the ST and nothing weird happening. I’m even p locking sample start in Bitwig, lots of power and fun.

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