Weird problems with trigs going silent in plays free mode

I’m using plays free mode for some MIDI tracks and am having weird issues with some trigs not sounding/sending.

It might have something to do with the scale length. The track is 16 long set to 1/4x playback, pattern length 64.

One trig will refuse to play when enabling plays free and clearing/resetting the trigs has no effect. The only thing that will bring them back is to disable plays free mode (EDIT: changing scale multiplier back to 1x also fixes it).

I can recreate this issue quickly:
New pattern, create new track and add 16 trigs.
Set scale multiplier to 1/4x and all trigs play fine.
Enable plays free and one trig refuses to sound
Disable plays free and all sound again.

Changing the multiplier changes the number of missing trigs so it might be happening when the pattern loops: 1/4x one trig out of 16 is silent, 1/8x two trigs out of 16 are silent, 1/2x one trig every 32 etc.

Probably related bug :

Ok thanks. I’ll report it to support (as it’s easy to replicate) and give up on the scale multiplier with plays free. Back to scrolling through single trig pages it is then :slight_smile: