Weird "Track Change Freeze" Issue with AR & Overbridge

Hey fellow Elektronauts,

I’ve recently experimented some more with my precious Analog Rytm, Ableton Live & Overbridge and I am so, so excited about all the opportunities and workflow enhancements this combination brings. However, I’m experiencing one weird bug that is kind of ruining my experience a little bit :[

So this is what happens: Especially after moving tracks around, some copying and pasting going on, changing a track on the AR would not result in a synced change to the same track in Overbridge anymore. From this point forward, I can’t actually do anything to make Overbridge switch tracks anymore, which makes it kind of useless…Once this has occured, the problem will happen again after a restart of Ableton, and exactly 3 track changes on the Analog Rytm. I have no idea why 3 is the magic number, but that is exactly when the track sync will freeze in Overbridge.

Switching USB ports around, then turning the unit off and back on again sometimes work as a fix and then I’m good for a couple hours, but the problem will always come back to me. I also tried several USB ports and so far it has happened on all of them :frowning: Anyone else ever heard of this issue before? Any pointers are appreciated.

Cheers guys! :slight_smile: