Weird Trig Key Problem

I have a brand new SPS-1 MKII. I had a disconcerting Trig Key problem that I fixed with a factory reset, but I wonder if anyone has seen it before. I’m scared that if it happens again I will lose all my work as I have no way to back up the device.

Trig keys 10 and 16 were not responding to triggering notes in a kit when pressed with record off - no LED lighting up and no sound. They were however responding to recording notes in grid mode and they worked properly when pressed in test mode.

Is there any way to fix this without a factory/empty reset if it happens again?

Thanks! I’m relieved the trig keys themselves weren’t broken, but its still scary…

I was under the impression all new machines shipped with the +drive, including the non UW version of the MD?
Go in global/slot 1/file & see if you have snapshots. If do you can backup there.

Not seen that issue before, glitches are rare but they happen, mine looked like space invaders once when I turned it on, lol

You can download a program called C6 from the Elektron website for free that’ll allow you to back up to your computer too!
It’s also worth picking up a TM-1 from them too for sysex backups. I believe it can be done with other units but I’ve always used their own.

Note, if you ever see Elvis, it’s not a bug, it means you’ve been blessed :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice! I’m going to look into that backup solution. Really having fun with this thing so far.

It’s just a regular mkII and the sticker on the box says it was built in 2014 :slight_smile:

Just a side comment. I’ve read a number of forum posts over the years where guys have lost all their work because of no backup. They are usually pretty heartbroken. So take a look at backing up. The TM-1 is a little pricy but pays for itself over time. It makes backing up the MD dead simple and much faster.