Were you an Elektron-User?

Pioneering times.

Using the machines in ways not considered.

Lfo Time stretching on the mduw

Karplus on the mnm

Reducing gain for clearer sound on Mnm

The first night of machines

The journey from haggis boy jock to lamond designs :slightly_smiling_face:


hey papertiger! :slight_smile:
toxictobi here.

I was there lying low and lurking, much as I do here :slight_smile:

Says it all really …

I was a newbie in the latter days of the E-U forum, then known as Peter Hanes.

Here’s a roll call of Elektron-Users from the early days of the switch to Elektronauts:

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Thanks for linking to the thread. I had forgotten about it after posting in it five years ago. D’oh!

…a lot less people chiming in on this one. Wonder if that says anything about how many EU-ers might still be around…

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It was a nice place for sharing. I forget how long I was there (a year or two maybe). I remember clearly the fears of moving to this board. Some fears did materialize and some did not, as expected.

Yep. I occasionally landed there in those ‘pre-lift-off’ days. Still a great historical resource for monomachine and machinedrum techniques, and in retrospect, seemed to have a higher signal to noise ratio, though the search function was always a gamble.
Glad it didn’t fall through the cracks and was archived for prosperity.

I had the same username back then. I really liked the old forum, never really liked any of these new ones much, although I prefer this one to the last one. :slight_smile:


Est. 2005!

By the way, did you know re-modelling your kitchen is cheaper than you think? :wink:

– “glitched”


I was SeanPrice on the old board. Had been there from the early days, but was mostly lurking, as I do here a bit I guess. Just looked and my post count was only 124 posts though…

I do miss those pioneering times though when we were all learning Elektronese. Tarekith’s collected wisdom in those MD and MnM guides is a testament to the spirit that ruled the old forum, but maybe it’s just nostalgia…

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monokit here

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Elektron-Users’ Forum content is missing

update : now being investigated … Elektron-Users' Forum content is missing


I helped set up EU and was a mod/admin for a while. I made designs for the original version, which weren t used coz my graphic design suck skills and someone else did it in the end :laughing:

Jumped ship when shit hit the fan IRL. Resurfaced here incognito a while later :slight_smile:

Hi Papertiger,

I’m still here and I have the same name as “back then”…

I’m still learning, occasionally sniffing up cool techniques and enjoying one of the few online places that has consistently kept an informative, helpful and friendly atmosphere.



indeed! I played that show. left after midnight and drove five hours solo to get to work the next day. stopping only for gas and a half hour’s sleep in the car at a random roadside hotel’s parking lot :rofl:

I was chiasticon there. and here. haha.


Hey Divi - I remember reading your posts. Hope all’s well.

You too Amanita and PT. Merlin, your guide gets quoted everywhere all over the web. I see it in a random spot at least once a year. I remember when it came out. Good times.

(Same user name both forums)


This is bittersweet, seeing so many old friends. I never go back to E-U, too many ghosts for me, but thank you guys for chiming in and saying hello. I have such fond memories of that time and that community was so important to me. :heart:

Glad this thread got necro’d! :laughing:


I agree, that forum was just a little bubble of greatness most of the time. In hindsight I definitely failed to appreciate how really unique it was.

Growing up I would see horrible things in the big world and in my small world. I would think to myself “just be cool everyone. How hard is it to just be cool?”. Anyway E-U was one of those rare places where by and large most everyone was.

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Nice to see some good old names here. I liked the old forum but also appreciate this one here, constructive musical vibes.