What are the main features to get to grips with on the MD?

Hi there.

New MD owner. I have read the manual top to bottom (I’m currently re-reading it between study times) but there’s still a few things that don’t translate fully to me simply by just reading… for instance, sampling external sounds is not happening in the way in which it should according to the manual (and I’ve tried it 15 times). Are there comprehensive video tutorials available on the MD?

Second question… as regards playing live, what are generally regarded as the most important/interesting features of the MD to master, in peoples opinion?


What’s not happening with sampling?

Make sure your levels are right (mlev vs ilev), place the record trig, then play it back with the playback trig.

if the patterns loops over and the record trig gets hit again, it will overwrite what you just recorded.

No point reading it without playing it though - you’ll get more mileage by just diving in (as I assume you have).

As for live tips - hold function and turn a knob (affects all instruments). Then hold function and hit classic button - it will revert the kit to the saved version…so be careful not to do that before saving your kit.

Oh yes, I’m using the MD as I read, trying to put everything in to use right away;)

That function hold tip I knew but I have still lost many interesting tweaked kits due to forgetting to save before pressing. I’ll learn!

Many thanks!

Sampling walkthrough…

my setup:

xoxbox into machinedrum (xox mix-out into MD A-input, xox midi-in into MD midi-out).

press FUNCTION + GLOBAL and choose SLOT 1

-scroll down to SYNC and do the following

tempo in: internal
ctrl in: off
tempo out/ctrl out: on

exit out

now, press KIT

choose an empty one and set the following trigs up:

M1: RAM-R1 (this records the loop)
M2: RAM-P2 (this instantly plays the loop back)
M4: INP-GA (this is my xoxbox)

make sure your sound selection is on M1, make sure you’re in the SYNTHESIS menu and input the following:

MLEV: 0 (because this is for internal sampling)
ILEV: 63 (because this is input sampling and the highest level has yielded the best sample for me)
LEN: set to 63 for one bar sample, set to 128 for two bar sample
RATE: set to 127 (the higher the number the higher the quality of sample)

make sure your sound selection is on M2, hit REC and put a trigger on ONE. turn off REC, press play (this starts my xox automatically) i count a 4/4 bar and press M1 on the 1st beat of the measure. after doing this your sample should start playing on M2.

i think the manual says to place a trigger on the first trig of M1 as well, but if you watch the elektron demonstration video he just presses the button while the loop sample is playing and i’ve had the greatest success with that method. if you hit record and put a trig on M1 then it will just keep sampling over and over until you remove it and the timing was always off for me.

come to think of it, if you were playing a keyboard through the MD i could see why putting a TRIG on M1 would be fine as you’re controlling the length of the sample, but if you were sampling a record or a sequenced rhythm all you have to do is press M1 without the need for recording a TRIG. nice.

sorry, kind of thinking out loud here.

now, try sampling internally by creating a simple one bar pattern with three triggers: kick, snare, high hat. now reset your M1 levels appropriately:

MLEV: 63 (because this is for internal sampling)
ILEV: 0 (because this is the input level)
LEN: set to 63 for one bar sample, set to 128 for two bar sample
RATE: set to 127 (the higher the number the higher the quality of sample)

do the same as above and you should be good to go.

if this doesn’t help, maybe watch the 3rd MD-UW elektron tutorial video.

anyway, i just learned all of this myself.

good luck!


Wow. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to send me that. Apologies for the late reply. Been busy. I’ll test this out asap. Many thanks theatre!:slight_smile:

yeh man, definitely!

hope it helps you out. :slight_smile:

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Works just fine:) Big big thanks again theatrre!!

glad it worked out!

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