What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

That’s a good answer! :slight_smile:

I just started Ancillary Justice! Loving it. Bought the other two as well.

sci fi nerds!!!

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I ll hop on that train. Just listened to the audiobook The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin. What a wonderful book. I feel i ve earned a degree in political science just by listening to this. Of course the futurism is just a frame to criticize both capitalism and anarchism (one of the 2 main planets is run by an idealized anarchist collectivism, sounds perfect at first but then the unavoidable cracks start appearing). It s beautifully laid out how human nature will sooner or later clash with any overly rigid political ideology. Ending s the weakest part though.


Nice! Great book. I was at a used book store in SF not too long ago, and they had a bunch of Murakami’s books (I’d only read IQ84 and Kafka on the Shore, so anyway, I bought every other book he’d written that they had, and there a lot of them. I still need to venture back into them, but I like to read one, then do other stuff for a while, then read another one.

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Just finished reading the 9th and last installment of the Expanse books. Really, really good writing all the way around. The ending was pretty predictable, but didn’t disappoint either.

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Odd that Stephenson writes about technology and media being used to manipulate and prop up politicians and presidential candidates with a capital riot as a plot point… in 1994…

Just finished Making Beats

Currently reading Techno Rebels

Moon Palace, Paul auster.



Myself, with all the Metaverse talk, I figured I’d read the book that started it all, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, but I didn’t really like it much at all. I wonder how it ended up being so influential, maybe I’d feel differently about it if I had read it in the 90s.

The last one I finished was James S.A. Comey’s The Expanse (the 9th book, which only recently was published and concluded the series). That was phenomenal, the whole series is totally worth it, what a great SciFi world and well written too, super entertaining.

Right now I’m rereading Mike Senior’s Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio, excellent book.


Yeah, weak book IMO. There aren’t many so called cyberpunk authors worth reading other than Gibson, who is still a great stylist.

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.The Hidden Life of Trees - Peter Wohlleben

Coming in:
. The Fertile Earth: Nature’s Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry - Viktor Schauberger
. The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man - Peter Tompkins

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Just started reading The Wall.

It’s cold and there is a lot of concrete and that is all I know after four chapters…

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You’re cheating yourself if you’re not also reading LeGuin!


Haven’t had the focus to pick up anything new in a little while but things I finished recently that I would wholeheartedly recommend:

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Can’t like this comment enough. And Octavia Butler!

There was a lot of talk around Jesmin over on Lines recently. Next time I’m feeling some sci-fi, definitely picking it up.


So far the first two books in the Inheritance trilogy are really good but not as great as Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy, while I’m taking a break between book 2 and 3 of inheritance I quite literally couldn’t put down Broken Earth until I finished the whole thing!

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That’s exactly what they were saying. I’ll make sure to warn my family.


LeGuin is good, but a bit too fantastical for my tastes

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That’s a fair critic, I’ve always enjoyed when the two genres are blended a little.

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I‘m reading right now all Dune books, again after 20 years. So far, I enjoy :blush: