What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

huge rec. for this:

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If you want something free to read:

Randomly picked that up in the library a few months ago. Took me a bit to get into and came close to giving up on it but definitely worth the effort.

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Wow, a pleasure to read. I have that book and have never read it. Silly me!

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A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.

Funny and sad and savagely smart. Essential reading for anyone given to musing on what they thought their life would be like now 20 years ago vs what it’s actually like now.

I’m sure a few of the aspiring musicians on these boards can relate to that.

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3 more! It’s reading saison :nerd_face:


I think there’s a lot of variation in how well books translate to audio, depending on the style of the author. There are authors who try to write with the cadence of speech, and their work survives the transition much better than those who don’t. The density of the prose matters a great deal too, and the skill of the reader, but I think the rhythm of the sentences is the key thing. Some great books read horribly, it’s true - Henry James comes to mind.


I would be curious to know how Sound Design for Film is. I do nothing with film, and don’t have either the time or the background, but I have an academic interest in such things. It seems like another one of those hobbies that I could get into and just completely suck at as an amateur, like my music…


Yea I can give feedback, it looks all very obvious at first sight going through the book. But it’s fine, I am only interested in the processes and not interested in making music for other peoples movies myself.

In a more hands-on way I am more interested in permaculture and gardening in the mediterranean.

Maybe those 2 can meet.


Fly Fishing by J R Hartley.


I read the Leviathan falls as fast as I could before S6 of the TV show started. It was a tough story to finish but I think they pulled it off.

It’s always a big problem finishing a story that big and deep. Someone is always going to be unhappy. I was unhappy with some of the story changes in the TV series as they seemed changes for changes sake, but better to have a show than no show. Its what lead me to the books after all.

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The TV show does a good job of conveying the bigger themes of the books. The combining of several book characters into one TV character is a little jarring at times but I understand the need. It’s easier to retain a few actors for major roles than introduce new actors each season for bit part characters the TV audience has no investment in.
the hardest part is that the TV show is going to end before the big pay off that that last 3 books presents. The time skip is hard to deal with and I don’t see a way around it with the current actors unless we start making them wear grey hair wigs and fake old people prosthetics.
The show is just getting to the interesting part and it’s going to end :frowning:

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Working my way through it.


What a tremendous thing of art that is. First time? I’m jealous if it is.

Fingers crossed the series is at least decent.

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Getting into this now. Interesting. :slight_smile:

Currently also reading “In Memory Of Memory” and this snippet (early on) had me weeping like a baby (on the shitter (ahahaha!))

Finally reached my place in the queue for Dopamine Nation (Anna Lembke). Seems interesting so far.

Also ran into another David Gemmell fan at the library. Bastard managed to swoop in and grab every single Gemmell book off the shelf right before I was about to do the same.


Just finished Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. A real classic, short, to the point and very thought provoking.


I’ve moved on to Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies
for Electronic Music Producers
, which probably needs no introduction here.