What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

It’s hard to say much in a thread like this without spoilers, but i’ve never read anything that has made me question the nature of reality so much. Should I be worried that I keep thinking about a clock ticking down? :smiley:
I’ll never look at a pool table the same way again.

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I get the books crossed… but has the prisoner told the story about crossing the water to the island?

It goes further. Buckle up!

Maybe… but you should be more worried about [redacted] the [redacted] because of [redacted] and the gravity [redacted]. Also, the nature of [redacted] and the age of the universe.

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OK…now you guys sucked me in…Just ordered the Kindle Version.
The first three chapters…awesome!

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For any fans of XL Recordings


Latest reads:
Pat Flynn - Superfsns
An Astronauts Guide To Life On Earth
The Miracle Morning

And soon it’s time to read ‘The best year ever’ again.

Lots of Python textbooks.
“Hold On to Your Dream” (Arthur Russell bio)
“Flights” by Olga Tokarczuk

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Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury
As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner

The Ray Bradbury book was absolutely incredible. Having trouble getting into the Faulkner. Will try again this weekend.


I can heartily recommend the use of this template to track books started, read and finished through the year: Focus on Starting Books ∞ Malcolm Ocean
Create it now for 2021 :slight_smile:

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i always recommend Rant by Chuck Palahniuk. No spoilers, but its about rabies, car crashes, pandemics, boogers, time travel, rare coins, Easter eggs and the tooth fairy.
And if you’re into music, the stuff about boosted peaks and rewitnessing is great.


Bitwig manual
MC-707 manual (again)
Sinevibes Node manual

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Read this last summer. Really enjoyed it. So much wisdom in that book.


My wife got me a copy of “the three body problem” for Xmas. I’ve barely started it but I’m excited since it’s been on my radar for a while now.
My mother-in-law gave me a book on the Chernobyl meltdown written by a physicist and focused on the scientific perspective more than the political. Pretty excited about that too. Nuclear energy is one of my favorite reading subjects. I don’t remember the name off hand and I’m away from the house at the moment.


OH YEAH! Hands down, my favorite hard sci-fi of the past few decades.


Nice thread. I try and take at least half an hour before bed to read, I find it helps me wind down, especially if it’s a book which really sucks you in. I often struggle to work out what to read next, so I’ll definitely have a look in here for ideas!

Right now, I’m working my way through a bunch of classics, which Amazon have made freely available as “Amazon Classics” on the Kindle (most of them were freely available anyway as they are out of copyright, but these are nicely typeset and free of conversion errors etc!). Currently half way through The Count of Monte Cristo, which I’m really enjoying. Very long, but great story telling.


My only recent book was this that I had for Christmas,

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Really started taking advantage of the council libraries of late - discovered I don’t like reading on ipad and forcing myself to wait for books is actually quite nice. Reading for an hour or two before bed time instead of watching netflix or commercial tellie is quite nice too.

Anyways, recently completed:

  • Bryan Sykes - The Seven Daughters of Eve. Damned interesting book about mitochondrial DNA and what we can learn from it.
  • Terry Pratchett - Feet of Clay. 'Nuff said (slowly working through Watch books in order).
  • Joe Abercrombie - The Blade Itself. Excellent fantasy. Read one of his standalone books a few years back and was pleasantly surprised (grew up reading David Gemmell) so gonna work my way through them all.

Currently reading:

  • Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling) - Troubled Blood. Effing loving this book! Always been a big Harry Potter Fan and quite like the occasional crime thriller so I was curious. Turns out she’s more than a one-trick pony.
  • Scott H Young - Ultralearning. Never really pushed myself academically in the past but I’m open to trying new things. Dude seems a bit wanky but got a few good tips out of it so far.
  • Nir Eyal - Indistractable. Similar subject matter to Cal Newport’s Deep Work, but goes more into dealing with internal triggers and whatnot. Been pretty good so far.

Playful as hell! One of my faves


Good choice. Just finished that entire First Law series as well as the standalone. Really entertaining. The audiobooks are also really good as the voice actor does a great job. It’s one of my favorite fantasy series, just the way I like it, grimey and cold. A lot of more popular fantasy novels are a bit too dry, and vanilla for me.

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