What are you reading right now/have you read lately?


this is very good. i’ve only gotten through the first few chapters. it’s some nice light bedtime reading about america’s racist banking practices.


It was a Christmas gift and I know him because he used to be the door guy at a bar I used to DJ at.


Just finished the ‘felix Castor’ series by Mike Carey

Interesting twist on the ‘private investigator’ genre, with a bit of ghost busters thrown in.
The writing definitely starts a bit janky but improves as the series goes on.
A nice story arc between all the books that resolves quite nicely.


I’m re-reading the Hernandez Bros magnificent comic accomplishment of Love and Rockets.
It’s unbelievable.
Also re-reading Enki Bilal’s Nikopol Trilogy.


Nice! I’ve been reading love and rockets too. My dad realized that I never had, so he gifted me the first 4 volumes. I’m really enjoying it.

I’m also just getting into Audio Culture, a book thats been recommended on this forum a few times.


Thank u Elektronauts, almost finished the book Flowers for Algernon, which is having a great effect on me :black_heart: also looking forward to The Three-Body Problem, this will take a longer time to finish :smiley:


How is Audio Culture? Not started reading mine yet.

I’m not too far in, but so far it’s been a great read. Definitely recommend to anyone interested in taking a deep dive into the social, political, and philosophical aspects of noise and music.

Christmas present from my son just arrived.

I have the best son!


Picked up a new Bible the other day - large print ESV with minimal ghosting/bleed through so very nice to read. Also never really read this translation before (been heavily focused on NKJV) so quite looking forward to it. Got a reading plan sorted and should be done within the year.

Gave up on that Joe Abercrombie series. Really liked the 1st book but just couldn’t get into the 2nd. Bit of a shame.

Finished Terry Pratchett’s The Night Watch. Hadn’t read it in several years and had forgotten a great deal of the plot so it almost felt like a new Pratchett novel! Only 2 left in the watch series to go - on the waiting list at the library for Thud!

Currently re-reading The Silmarillion because there’s no such thing as too much Tolkien. Also picked up that KLF bio from the library the other day - quite looking forward to it.

Also got a copy of DeBord’s Society of the Spectacle sitting here waiting to be read but honestly I’m not too sure if I’m still bothered…


Been on a Kurt Vonnegut stint. Finished Player Piano and Cats Cradle, and now onto Slaughter House Five. Haven’t read his stuff in over twenty years, so reacquainting myself with his mid-century sense of commentary.


Nice! I’m reading some MM as well! Working my way through this Suggested Reading Order and am all the way up to Sojan now. Excited to finally get to his more recent work like The Dreamthief’s Daughter!



Nice thread. Definitely enough suggestions to keep me going for a while.
I’m on Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun,
About 3/4 way through Shadow of the Torturer. Really enjoying it.
Keen to get stuck into the 3 Body Problem after.


Murakami is the man!


Almost done with “The Warmth of Other Suns” by Isabel Wilkerson. It’s about the great migration when 6 million black people here in America migrated from out of the south to the West and North between 1915 and 1970. It’s definitely not light reading but it’s one of the best writing i’ve ever read and she focus on three specific migrantes to tell a much bigger story.

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The first time i read Slaughter House Five literally read it two time in a row. I used to love that book and Vonnegut in general. Especially Cats Cradle.


One of my all time favorites authors. The first of his I read was Slapstick. I’d never read anything like it and I hunted down everything else I could find immediately after finishing it.

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Art Sex Music by Cosey Fanni Tutti
Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures by Mark Fisher
About to start Cocaine Night by J.G. Ballard, haven’t read it in 15 years.