What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

Just reading his bio it says he was heavily influenced by Psychoanalysis at Kings College Cambridge. This is right up my street having got a degree in Psychoanalysis myself. And a bit of Surrealism as well.(Probably Dali).I will go for your recommendation Drowned world. Not Soylent Green i hope :slight_smile:

I periodically dive into a bit of Dickens.
Currently enjoying ‘Our Mutual Friend’ which is shaping up to be my favourite so far.

Previously enjoyed Nicholas Kotar’s ’ Ravenson’ series.
Russian fairytale inspired fantasy series. Really rich.

Got the latest in the Orphan X series lined up on my Kindle wishlist too.
Really enjoyed Greg Hurwitz’s previous installments.


RE Dickens. Now theres a guy who who could wield a quill :slight_smile:

A quill wielder of the first water!

I don’t know what it is about his stories, but once I’ve broken through the asteroid belt of the first few chapters, his evocative writing just pulls me right in. He seems to have had a kind of cinematic skill for capturing London, and the worlds within it. Barnaby Rudge is my second favourite so far.

I really loved The Stranger by Albert Camus!


No Country For Old Men, reading it in Tommy Lee Jones voice rules


Another of my all time favourite authors!

I really need to read the Border Trilogy. May be the only of his work I haven’t read, but I went hard for awhile on McCarthy. Suttree is a classic :slight_smile:


I’ll look that up. I read The Plague, thought it wandered in the middle. Maybe I wasn’t in the right frame of mind!

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I’ve only read Blood Meridian and the Road so far, keen to check out the rest

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Oh yes, I was going to mention McCarthy. Child of God, The Road and Blood Meridian are phenomenal. Not actually read No Country for Old Men, the film is excellent.

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Various people have attempted to make Blood Meridian into a film and for one reason or another, has not see the light of day. Very similar to Terry Gilliam struggling to make Don Quixito for over 20 years.

I’d love to see the transition. Those who’ve attempted the project are all great admirers of the book.

Fully shaved Gene Hackman could have aced the judge.

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A brief plug for Klara and the Sun. It’s not as good as Never Let Me Go, but has some of the same wistfulness to it.

I also just finished a translation of Roland Barthes’ The Pleasure of the Text in translation. It’s available online, and an interesting take on the aesthetics of storytelling that isn’t exactly impenetrable, the way most continental philosophy seems to be, at least for me.


It’s just so difficult to translate a book to a film. For me a book is a ‘feeling’ which is personal and subtle, like a painting created with fine brush strokes, whereas making a film adaption is like attempting to remake that painting with a wide brush designed for painting sheds.

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Suttree is my favorite, then Blood Meridian. Nice to see some McCarthy fans on here.

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I liked a lot of his reads. I especially like the jazz and classical references. Not sure what it was about this book (actually I know very well what it is), but it rubbed me the wrong way (although it has a lot of awesome writing and ideas in it)!


Good stuff! Technology + Art + History