What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

I’m late to the party on Sanderson. In the past year I read the Stormlight books and now I’m on book 3 of Mistborn. I’ll probably take a break after this and look for some new sci-fi.

just started two books, because i like to party. one’s work related, one’s for enjoyment. which is which?

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Been talking about quitting drinking all year but haven’t made any real progress so far. I’ve heard people found this helpful.

Honestly not sure exactly why I started reading it but I’m quite enjoying it. It’s comfortable and a wee bit silly.

Currently doing a bit of a deep dive into Islam so I’ve got a few other books on the subject too. Since escaping from a cult-like group a while back, I’m trying to avoid ignorantly trash-talking other religious groups.

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Read, reread, rereread. An excellent book from an author who is equally so.

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Now reading a bit of non-fiction. Hopefully I can use some of these skills camping and backpacking this summer and fall.

Just started The Peripheral by William Gibson. Hoping this series is as enjoyable as The Sprawl series.


Donald Hall, Carnival of Losses: Notes Nearing Ninety
Steinback’s In Dubious Battle

Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida
After the Quake, Murakami

Because I really miss him. He’s like the best friend I never met. And I love cooking, so that also makes both books classic reads.

Just finished ‘Our Mutual Friend’. Hands down the best Dickens I’ve read so far!

I’m currently working my way into a Nikolai Gogol collection which was 99p on Kindle. I’ve enjoyed his stuff before. Russian absurdism grounded in historical reality.

It’s lovely to have a bit of quality fiction on the go.


Philip K. Dick is my favourite writer, recently read Ubik, amazing book. Must read Valis.


Still my favourite. A Scanner Darkly close second…



I enjoyed the first 3 collections of his short stories a few years back.
Such a visionary, and with a wonderful dose of satire to boot.

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So i finally got through Pride and Prejudice. Bit of a slog with the old timey writing style but a helluva read nonetheless!

While it might be a bit old, I’m thinking the Guardian’s top 100 list could be interesting.

Starting with #100:

I really liked Austerlitz. The kind of book that could very easily be dismissed as literary wank, but I couldn’t put it down. Atmosphere for days.

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Working through that list I suspect I’ll get used to literary wank sooner than later.

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Just finished both The Peripheral and Agency by William Gibson, and can’t wait for the third in the Jackpot trilogy. The themes are a bit eerily close to our present reality, but very fascinating/compelling none the less.
Just started Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness. This is my first read of her work, and so far enjoying it. Didn’t know what to expect, and it is pretty interesting take on sci-fi themes…


I recently got an online subscription to The Guardian. And while I don‘t agree with everything they write I feel quite well informed.


I need to read those, then again I’ve yet to read the previous trilogy. I’ve wondered how it holds up, being set in the present 15-20 years ago. Gibson is still one of my favourite writers of all time. Gibson, P.K. Dick and Ballard are the only three scifi writers worth reading even if you hate scifi.


Totally agree. I am actually rereading A Scanner Darkly right now (and just finished Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), and love the atmosphere that PKD creates. Can’t recommend the Jackpot series enough. Really captivating plot and writing. I’ll probably reread them pretty soon because there was a lot of stuff to digest (particularly in the beginning of The Peripheral).