What are your favorite multitimbral synths?

I’m really interested in the K2000RS. I have heard some real mad proffessor shit with that thing.


Sorry guys forum gremlins are back. Wont even let me delete the video when I edit. Apologies for muddying up the thread.

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Virus TI and Supernova 2 I reckon.

I partly say that because they both allow deep editing of patches even when in multi-timbral mode.

If only the Kronos allowed that too…

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Virus c rack is cheep second hand and best sounding synth I ever heard. I got it for 500 €. Very deep and powerful synth. Not for trance at all!

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The Kurzweil is a very deep Synth/sampler that is different to the usual instruments since it is a sampler that acts more like a synth. At first It was daunting but I was surprised at how quickly I got my head around it’s architecture. Sounds huge and has a modulation technique called “funs” or functions where you are able to use different equations to mix 2 different mod sources together in insane ways. Not for everyone but worth checking out if your into something different.


my favorite multitimbral Synth is the Arturia Origin. You can use 4 different sounds at the same time and each sound could be very complex with much modules and modulations. and i love the sound:-)

+1 on Virus C rack. Love mine.

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Prophet 08 by DSI. All analog, GREAT Filter. Split and Stock 2 Sounds, and complete Midi. ARP and SEQ. No effects, but thats the only thing missing.

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Yamaha FS1r aka the FM flagship by Yamaha :slight_smile:

Why buy a Yamaha DX7, Yamaha TX81z or other FM modules? When you can have them all in one…and use patches from the older units in one unit :smiley:
[li]Se thats what i call pure love![/li]

Would love the FS1R. I would also give a mention to the Korg Z1. Picked one up last year after much research, still only skimming the surface but I hope to really plumb the depths of this thing over the coming months and years, if I’m lucky.

That K2000 sounds very interesting. Not very expensive either. Hmmm. How do you edit parameters on the rack version? Can you hook a MIDI-controller to it and edit from that, for instance?

Editing in the Kurzweil is quite straight forward once you get use to the layout. Values get entered in via the big dial, The buttons and the number pad. Midi controls can be assigned to control most parameters but since each layer can be made up of 1 of 31 algorithm they tend to not be pre configured and is just a matter of selecting the parameter and entering say 22 into the number pad to get to cc22 and then using the dial to dial in the amount, Amounts and depths can also be given midi cc. Worth noting that the kurzweil can also use clocks etc as midi sources and other different kind of sources. The manual is pretty good and covers the different mod sources and algorithms and is called the musicians guide and it’s on there site.


Ok, thanks for the info! :slight_smile:

Sounddiver has a fine editor for Kurzweil K2000 :slight_smile:

NL 2X (looooove the nords)

i had a go with a kurzweil K2500RS w/kdfx installed and that thing is stupid deep but i never really got on w/the kurzweil VAST synth architecture. I gave up and sold it… it is super lush though.

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Waldorf Q Synthesizer…NOT the Micro Q…the full blown alien Q! Also has deepest modulation capability have ever used and an on-board step sequencer and arp that’s pretty versatile, can do poly chords per step as well as allows deep editing within multi mode and memory allows one to store the set-ups and edits totally separate from original program sound. Can be up to 4 different instruments PER step and no matter how complicated one makes the patch it’s always 16 or 32 voices.

I say this not out of hearsay as also own a Virus KB and KC, Supernova, and other stuff…the Q still rules them all.

You weren’t kidding! I just checked it out and it’s the best K2000 editor I’ve seen so far. Sounddiver is still an excellent program. Wishing it would work in 10.85. Luckily I also have a win machine.

You weren’t kidding! I just checked it out and it’s the best K2000 editor I’ve seen so far. Sounddiver is still an excellent program. Wishing it would work in 10.85. Luckily I also have a win machine.[/quote]
I have not tried it for Mac - I use it for Windows 7 (You can set your pc to run it as windows XP+admin and that works brilliant)
[li]I saw that they had an adaption for Kurzweil so it would not hurt to share that info :wink: I use Sounddiver with my E-MU Ultra 6400 and that works for sure too :wink: Right now, I am trying to figure out how to use it with my Ensoniq asr-10 :)[/li]
[li]I can recommend you to join the Yahoo group for Sounddiver: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/sounddiver-users/info[/li]


Just wanted to chime in here. I have a K2000 (the keys version) for sale right now for only $400. Send me a PM if you’re interested!

You weren’t kidding! I just checked it out and it’s the best K2000 editor I’ve seen so far. Sounddiver is still an excellent program. Wishing it would work in 10.85. Luckily I also have a win machine.[/quote]
I have not tried it for Mac - I use it for Windows 7 (You can set your pc to run it as windows XP+admin and that works brilliant)
[li]I saw that they had an adaption for Kurzweil so it would not hurt to share that info :wink: I use Sounddiver with my E-MU Ultra 6400 and that works for sure too :wink: Right now, I am trying to figure out how to use it with my Ensoniq asr-10 :)[/li]
[li]I can recommend you to join the Yahoo group for Sounddiver: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/sounddiver-users/info[/li]

Thanks Teevee.
I got it working under Windows 8.1 and it works a treat. Pity sounddiver isn’t developed anymore because it seems a lot faster and straight forward compared to midi quest. Those guys at Emagic really made great software and that era of Logic 5.5 and Sounddiver was a very cool and productive era. I’m pretty sure Reaktor doesn’t support sysex but if it did that would work well also(am I mistaken about Reaktor not supporting sysex?).