What are your favorite multitimbral synths?

If I had any money I might give it a go, but unfortunately, I’m dead broke and will be for a long time. :disappointed:

My only multitimbral synth (apart from the A4) is my Alesis QS6, a 1990s additive synth beast. I’ve barely scratched the surface with programming it though.

I don’t know if it counts but I do have a duo-timbral(?) Yamaha DX21, which is like having two DX100s layered together with a chorus effect. It’s a similar story with programming it though. How can you improve on the ‘Solid Bass’ factory patch?!

For how little attention it gets, I think the Blofeld is a great synth that’s cheap.

I can get some fantastic tones out of it and running it through some pedals really adds the character it needs. This synth can be had for $300 on eBay and compared to some of the beasts posted here, is easy to program.


Should have mentioned the Blofeld too, feel bad now :smiley:

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I like my G2 for customize poly control

just 2 notes !!

novation nova/supernova… by far the best hardware synth i’ve had. got it because it was cheaper than a virus, sold it to fund a virus b later and regretted it. although now i think i could really go for a TI.

but damn the nova sounds awesome i’m still waiting for one to pop up for cheap

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These days I’m quite happy for my Roland D-110 :slight_smile:

+1 for the Blofeld, too bad Waldorf customer support is appalling.

I have fond memories of Novation Nova Desktop, which among other things it also had a comb filter.


Ouf, the Nova…how i wish i did not sell that. i scored one back in '12 for $200 and sold it soon after. it was a lot of fun to program with most parameters mapped to a specific knob.


What about the roland integra series anyone has experience with these and for example digitakt?

Now sitting on a jv 1080 how would the filters compare to integra?

Roland MC-707
Novation Nova Laptop
DSI Tetra

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Did you have any Nova power supply issues? Mine has various DSP errors on start up and I’ve read various accounts of the need for a power supply “fix” but never came across the specifics. Great synth though!

fortunately, no, but anyway Nova non-standard PSU is PITA.

I had problems with Drumstation power supply in that respect. Nova was similar generation, so it might also have very specific power requirement.

A few of my past / current multi-timbral faves:

Ensoniq SQ-80
Korg M1
Roland D70
Yamaha SY99
Casio CZ230s
Sequential Sixtrack
E-mu Proteus

It does continue to surprise and disappoint me that so few modern synths are multi-timbral.

[edit] Casio VZ-1 too.

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Virus Ti desktop and Tetra + fx. Insane power, tiny footprint.

I’m gonna be “that guy” and put in my vote for the Analog Four.

The way it keeps the +Drive library separate and intact, copying patches out of it and only making them immediately destructive by saving into Kits… it has become the feature that makes my workflow so much more seamless than when I work with synths that do not have this system (Waldorf, I’m looking at you!)

Not having to actively worry that changes you make to a patch in one multi (kit) will change patches in other multi, this for me is the definition of great multitimbral synth.
No need to spend time copying and renaming to prevent accidental reuse.

Even if the filters and OSCs aren’t as exciting as on other synths, the frictionless day to day use of the A4 keeps it on my desk.


+1 for the VirusTI



i bought another novation nova desktop/laptop. great synth!