What book are you reading and why

Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid Amongst the Animals (first part of Mutual Aid : A Factor of Evolution) is fascinating.
But Bakunin is my fav :heart:


Outside research monographs and papers for work and technical manuals for music gear and software, I read fiction almost exclusively. Sometimes I read a biography of a scientist, mathematician, or engineer, but I usually read hard SF and space opera for escapism. I read “Gridlinked” by Neal Asher last week in between work, family, and computer game hours.


Surprising thread here :wink:
Anyway I am immersed into the study for my bachelor and I am reading some essais on History of society, specifically Marc Bloch’s “The historian’s craft”.
That’s also the main reason I cannot play often my instruments :frowning:

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Nice to hear about that, Bakunin and many other socialist and libertarian teorists of his time are nearly forgotten to present times.


Because why not? Went to Iceland last summer. Always loved early medieval history. Love playing a Norse inspired RPG called Torchbearer in their Middarmark setting. Plus, it’s never a bad thing to explore the classics from time to time :slight_smile:


It’s really factual and you won’t learn a lot about the recording technics used at the time (more from a melodic standpoint). But if you want to know who, what, when, where, that’s a must read. There’s also a pretty broad list of gear purchased by the department, with tape recorder brands like “Motosacoche” that i’ve never heard of before…

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It’s not a book but it’s unnecessary to open a new thread for this so I‘ll just share it here. A very interesting read, even though I‘m not from the US.


Yeah, I’m not sure I’d say it was grotesque and twisted at all. Just deeply psychologically disturbing :slight_smile:

Fungi :wink:


…bc i hope to be free one day!


I finally had a look at this game last weekend. Strangely addictive, makes you wonder if this is how some of the guys feel when running their company…thanks for the tip, it left me with end-time feeling and a lot to think about. Cheers, mate!

I just came in here to post about this series! I just finished Fifth Season and am dug into Obelisk Gate now. I seriously can not recommend this enough! Incredibly written and a really cool concept.

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The Map and The Territory because my GF took my kindle on a trip

I can heartily recommend the use of this template to track books started, read and finished through the year: Focus on Starting Books ∞ Malcolm Ocean
Still worth making it for 2021.

The huge collection of all Simenon’s Maigret novels. A novel after the other, for me Maigret is becoming real. I like his world: the streets of Paris, the smell of pipe’s tobacco, the cold beers in the bistrots…
Simenon was a very fast and prolificous writer: he surely didn’t had problems to finish his “tracks”. But despite quantity, what a quality! What a great narrator!


@Fin25 I’m so glad someone posted this -
This is like the best book I’ve read: “Chaos” took Tom O’Neil like 2 decades of pure footwork, cabinet searching ,cafe meets and obsessive investigation to make this book happen. If you think the main stream story of Charles Manson is true, suspect something larger may of happened or just have an interest in truecrime - get on this- its a fantastic read with far reaching implications. Sometimes fact is stranger than fantasy.


It’s a really good book. I like how he takes the stance of being kind of a sceptic throughout, but constantly stumbling upon crazy conspiracy shit, but never quite getting deep enough to put it all together.


Yeah maximum kudos to him.

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Brave New World.

Last read it 15 years ago so it’ll be interesting to see how the experience goes this time around.


I’ve just started reading ‘Message to the Blackman in America’ By Elijah Muhammad

I’m a white european male who grew up listening to Hip Hop from the early 80s to the early 90s. I was always interested in the samples and references from Farrakhan, Khalid Muhammad, other Nation of Islam and 5 percenter references and quotes.

Really became interested in the Black Nationalist/Supremacist view point and experience. I’ve been researching and watching interviews and events heavily over the last 5 years but thought It about time I went to the source.

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