What do you like about sample packs? [Survey]

Hey fellow Elektronauts!

I have a question for you about sample packs. Actually, it’s a bunch of questions, a survey so to speak.

The short version: What makes a good sample pack for you and what are the things you see could benefit from improvement?

I’d like to gather you all for some insights. Any answer is more than appreciated!

This is market research as I plan to create an online shop to offer sample packs and I want them to be awesome. But before starting anything serious I want to make sure you and hopefully others too, are even interested in sample packs? Do you consider buying any? (Not just any, but really great ones. Working on it!)

There will be free packs, of course, to give a feel for and an impression of what you will get after purchase.

In addition to the shop I was thinking about a tutorial and ‘how to…’ section to show how you can use the samples and how they are made, some behind the scenes stuff.

The idea is to provide highest quality original (unconventional?) samples as creative content and teach a little something to help people make progress, be faster.

These questions and a few others are listed below, feel free to answer what you like. Again, any input is helpful and I thank you a lot!

Here we go:

  • What style music do you make?
  • How long do you make music?
  • What instrument/ Plug-in/ DAW do you feed samples to?
  • How do you work with samples?
  • What makes a good sample pack for you?
  • What makes a bad sample pack? What do you miss the most?
  • Ideal content, how many samples?
  • Larger or smaller packs?
  • Did you ever buy a or multiple packs?
  • What seems like a reasonable price range for a sample pack to you?
  • Drums; Kits vs collection / one-shot vs loop
  • Loops, melodies, vs one-shots
  • Raw vs processed?
  • With or without FX?
  • Acoustic vs synthetic sounds?
  • Vocals: words, acapellas, phrases,
  • Produced/ created by a prominent artist
  • Instruments vs Percussion/ drums
  • Good mix of different sounds vs. Specific (Warehouse Techno vs Pan-Fluet single note/ scales)
  • What kind of sample packs do you look for and buy?

Thanks again for taking the time! I will stay more in the background and will only come in to answer any questions you have. Also it would be awesome if we keep discussion itself low.

Best wishes, stay safe and keep creating!

