What does it mean? What does it mean to you?

*wipes away tears

I like it.


and he digs graves. don’t mess with the meal.

it’s from a Grandaddy EP called ‘Excerpts from the Diary of Todd Zilla’.


It’s my name.

If I called myself “brucegillthe3RD”, which is technically correct - as both my late grandfather and farther are also called Bruce Gill, I’d look like a dick.


how about bruce gill cubed? :upside_down_face:

I dated a girl who had been nicknamed by some other poor guy as broad-zilla. turned out to be not far from the truth. :no_good_man:

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My accounts usually end up being suspended, so I don’t even bother naming them in a meaningful way. Current one comes from a password generator. I hate naming things anyway, I don’t even name my tracks anymore, just give them sequential numbers.


I have so many questions right now but I’m just going to like the shit out of your answer and let it go


Wanted a ninja-like Myspace name so I looked in a Japanese dictionary and one of the first words that I came across was “aizo”. Said it means the simultaneous feeling of love (ai) and hate (zo).

Found out that some band had Aizo as their name so I added “yurei” (a kind of ghost, poltergeist) to it. I didn’t know anything about Japanese language (or culture) back then so I didn’t think it was dumb. Having lived in Japan 15 years now, I think it’s kind of dumb, but I’ve used it so long in all my social that I just don’t care anymore.


Bro nice Myspace name drop! Cho omoshiroi, Arigato gozaimashita! Soshite, Arigato gozaimashita!

Got given Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation back in about 1996, it asked for a user name or something and Matoshi was the best I could do. If I’m feeling daring I occasionally spell it with two ‘t’s’!


I may have been listening to Queen records when I signed up :slight_smile:


My “name” is (was?) just one of these methods
to somehow get a e-mail adress that you can keep in mind.
Here I am. I am here …

Thought I´d change the name later, but it´s not possible
here at Elektronauts.

There´s no deeper meaning behind my name,
but it´s somehow connected with wonderful memories of
travelling India and a beautiful girl from China.


Haha, thx! I hoped it would cheer some people up. :slight_smile:

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My last name is Saint Don, spelled St. Don. A telemarketer called one day and asked for “Street Don”. I told this story to my coworkers one day thinking it was funny. By the end of the day it had evolved and everyone was calling me Street Deezy and it stuck. Adopted it because I thought it was funny.


Beer, I Like Love beer!


I am here…

In my estimation that’s all the meaning we’ll ever need. Those signs on the tourist maps that say ‘You are here’ always give me a chuckle.


I once met a guy whose first name was St. John, which was pronounced “Sinjun” which I found peculiar but also kind of cool.


I had been listening to Keoki quite a lot around 1996 so my friends who rode to work with me were subjected to my music. I liked the song Wicked on Keoki’s Ego-Trip album because of the way the sample “wicked” was stretched and slowed down. One of them dubbed my ride the “wicked ass car” because the sound system was very loud and you could hear it scream wicked from a good distance. Somehow, it stuck to me as one of my dj names which started as goofy name for my ride.


“It’s written Raymond Luxury Yacht but pronounced ‘Throatwobbler Mangrove’”.

DoS was the second Drift of Signifieds album … so it just ended up being a forum username as otherwise it tends to end up rendered as Drift of Signals.