What exactly do [stop][stop] and [play]+[track] do?

When I press [stop][stop], audio tracks are silenced. To make a track audible again, I need to press [play]+[track]. Sometimes tracks become silenced and I’m not exactly sure why (they are not muted) and I’ve gotten into the habit of pressing [play]+[track] to rule that possibility out, but I don’t understand what exactly [play]+[track] does.

What state are these button combinations moving tracks between? What is it called when a tracks aren’t audible because [stop][stop] was pressed? I haven’t been able to find anything in the manual that explains the details of this state transition.

Great forum, thanks to everyone who contributes.

[TRACK] + [PLAY] trigs the sample assigned to the machine of the track


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I am having a similar issue where some tracks are suddenly mute.
I usually go in the editor and press Fn+Yes to get the sound back on that track.
But if the track is full of p-locked samples then i need to load every sample, go in the editor and press Fn+Yes to get each sound back.
I’ll try your trick Track+Play to see if that works next time. That bug is bugging me so much :space_invader:

Edit: nope doesn’t work.

What about for Thru machines? I ran into this behavior last night playing with a thru machine. [stop][stop] silences all audio tracks, but they aren’t muted. Then I have to press [track]+[play] on each track to hear them again.

Page 114 in my printed manual is about the midi sequencer.

Track+play is the equivalent of the sequencer hitting a trig on that track but it works when the sequencer is stopped. Thru machines need to be trigged to be heard, just like a flex machine or a static machine. For a basic thru setup you just put a trig on step one of the track, but if the sequencer is stopped you could press track+play to launch the thru machine.

Stop once stops the sequencer but any trigged samples or thru’s will play out for as long as the amp release setting. Stop twice stops the sequencer and mutes all audio. As long as you have trigs on the tracks they will play after you hit the play button, there’s no specific need to press track+play unless your stopped or you don’t have any trigs on the tracks…


Thank you Tchu and Open_Mike, your explanations cleared up my misunderstanding.

In the particular instance I’ve been playing with, I did not have a trig on the thru track, so I had to press [play]+[track] to hear it. Now that I understand it, I like that I have the flexibility to either add a trig to the thru track so that it is heard when the sequencer is playing, or I can not add a trigger and manually decide when the thru track will be heard by pressing [play]+[track]. Of course, I can mix these two cases, both having a trigger so the thru machine is audible when the sequencer is playing, but I can also press [play]+[track] to hear the thru machine while the sequencer is stopped. I can then press [stop][stop] to effectively “mute all thru machines”.


Now that you got that I’ll add that when you trig a thru track by either a trig or track+play the length of what you here is determined by the amp settings. By using multiple trigs on tracks you can gate your inputs and have them come thru in pulses and fade in and out and stuff with attack and release…


Thanks Open_Mike, just had an awesome gated jam session with Blofeld arp peaking through according to the pattern I programmed and high-gain guitar also. The amp made the high-gain guitar seem like I was plucking the strings according to the sequenced trigs, but I was just holding notes and the amp was creating the envelope. Threw some LFO and plocks in there, lots of fun.

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The filter has an envelope too, you can get it to respond to trigless trigs in the amp setup menu and then activate them by setting the envelope depth with a scene (or one-shots or fill). It keeps going… haha