What gear changes pattern in sync with Elektron boxes using PCM’s?

I’ve tried using quite a lot of gear alongside my Digitakt, Syntakt and Digitone, but as you guys will know, not all sequencers will stay in sync when receiving PCMs to change patterns.

I found that the TR-8S doesn’t change patterns in sync. This was the main reason I let it go, as I like to use one box as the main sequencer sending out PCMs and have everything else change pattern in sync. The MC-707 will change scenes perfectly in though. Seems odd they can’t get it working on the TR-8S.

I’ve recently bought a Polyend Tracker. This can only send PCMs and can’t receive them. But when sending to the Digi boxes they change pattern one bar late. However, on the tracker you can easily send the PCM early (at end of previous pattern) so you can get the Digi’s to change patterns in sync. Works well when making a song as you can just place the PCMs where needed.

What gear have you used alongside the Elektron boxes, that change patterns in sync when receiving PCMs?

Variations on this topic appear so often it seems like it’s almost worth it’s own sub-forum. Mods ?

“one bar late” search on elektronauts

Sorry @x0x, I’m not suggesting that you’re asking a question that’s already been answered.

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The one bar late issue is more related to getting Elektron boxes to follow pattern changes from other machines. This problem does indeed exist, but this thread was more to share which gear does successfully change patterns when receiving program change messages FROM the Elektrons. The only two machines that I’ve found that do this well - the MC-101/707 and the new Roland T-8, which makes them a great match.


I bought the UNO Synth Pro over Xmas. Pleased to report that it changes patterns perfectly in sync with the ST when using PCMs :slight_smile:

Just out of curiosity, (and because I’m too lazy to test this myself :p) how does the 707 handle program changes when a pattern changes on for instance the OT? Does it change to the corresponding scene?


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If the 707 is like the 101 in this respect, then depending on the channel, PCs will trigger clip changes within a track, or scene changes. The ‘quantisation’ of this change is specified in steps in the ‘tempo’ settings.

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Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile: Now the only thing I need to do is start a fresh project on both the OT, DN and 707 to have all patterns and scenes corresponding to each other :upside_down_face:

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