What is the best VST 303?

I’ve been using AudioRealism Bass Line 3 and it’s really good. I was wondering what other good 303 emulators are out there?

P.S., I realize there is an active “Best 303 clone” thread, but that one seems to be specifically hardware.

D16 Phoscyon is nice but I prefer AudioRealism. :slight_smile:


ABL3 all the way! :slight_smile:


abl3 is my favorite as well.

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ABL3 all the way too
Sorry, it looks like this thread has already reached an end :slight_smile:


Wow, there’s gotta be some competition for ABL out there!?

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Roland Cloud TB-303

i’m in the ABL3 camp but i’ll take it further and say i prefer the ABL 3.3 Model 2 emulation engine


I thought the Roland cloud one sounded a lot nicer than ABL2 in a track I was making which was relying more on the soft side of the 303, I’ve not tried ABL3. But I’m not willing to pay monthly for a 303!

Was sad to find Phoscyon (and all my other old D16 stuff) doesn’t work on the new MacOS with no plans for it to be updated, blame Apple but it kind of sucks!

You could buy a life time key for $149 but that is quite some money… and I believe you still need the Roland Cloud Manager installed.

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ABL3… topic is done


ABL3 from what I’ve tried

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The D16 part it very annoying. I’ve been waiting for Lush101 to be updated having just bought it before getting an M1 Mac. They’ve said multiple times that they’re working on it, but I’ve just checked the website and now they’re saying it’ll be a paid update.

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Venom vb 303

Drumazon will also be a paid update. Ducks because I also haven’t had it for long yet. But I guess they also have to make money. Almost all others seem to offer this update for free though, which let’s companies like this stick out negatively I guess.

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Yeah, that’s what is a bit annoying. I bought mine years ago so can’t really complain but I’d be annoyed if it was a more recent purchase - they do say that if you bought it recently (not sure what their definition is), they will refund you to be fair.

I can see why they’d do it, they’re a small company, but it might actually work against them - I don’t think I’ll buy one of their plugins again, especially because there are strong competitors for most of them which have been free updates.

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And to that you can obtain a really good hardware version for little money

I don’t think I will pay for the upgrade, probably will just buy the hardware then

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for me also ABL3.

Here are very good comparisons with the original: Best TB 303 VST plugins. Soft Synth Emulator Comparison Test

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30 days is the limit apparently…


Anyone have Phoscyon 2 or ABL3 and not using it anymore and willing to transfer/sell their license? PM me please!