What is the value of the first generation Machinedrum?

Hi folks

I’ve seen a Machinedrum being advertised for sale not far away from me, so I messaged the guy who sells and he didn’t really know what he was selling as it used to belong to his brother. He sent me few photos and measured the machine, so I came to a conclusion that he sells the very first generation Machinedrum.

There is plenty online of the newer generation machine’s for sale, but haven’t seen even a single one of the old ones. Does anybody know what is it worth?

There is one for sale in my area too and it’s $530.

cheers… so that is around £345… I should have mentioned I’m in the UK :slight_smile:

It’s worth nothing once the power supply fails. The reason Elektron created the MkII was due to scarcity of parts for the power supply, from what I understand. So I would factor in the cost of a potential paperweight.

Surely there must be a third party alternative?

We kind of agreed on £300, is it not too much?