"What is this thing called swing?"

Here is an interesting read (or listen) on npr about „the physics of swing“

What makes that song swing? At last, physicists unravel a jazz mystery

Time to experiment more with microtiming…


I thought that article was so bad, very light on content and it made it sound like even the best musicians have no idea what swing actually is or how they accomplish it. Nonsense! I think they should have spoken with a few more people…

Even so I think it will create some dialogue at least so thanks for posting, I was gonna post this as well but you beat me to it.

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Agreed. not a good article and full of nonsense. All jazz musicians know what swing is and know what straight is. And can play both. Late 8th notes. Thats it. Pretty simple. Any thing beyond that is simply how the musician articulates that idea.


I like Jazz.

I fucking hate people that talk about Jazz.