What machine would you like to see added to the Model:Cycles?

A very convincing clap is already possible. Chord machine and fast (2K) random LFO on pitch. Punch=on as well I think.


A 4-voice polyphonic machine. It could be based on the chords machine so probably not as much work.

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Example sound?

Arp machine

if you have an M:C, some of the factory “CP” sounds use this approach. it’s passable, but still pretty crap, for a clap.


I can’t see that happening. It will remain a mono device. How would you enter, record and display 4 different notes per trig on that tiny display? So, it would be a lot of work imo.

Actually has anyone run thier MC through a Decimator or Bit Reducer? The morphing FM tones through my Alesis Bitrman and KP3 sounds sensational! Only thing is the effect this way is post internal reverb and delay…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So I want a machine where contour and shape control bit depth and rate of an old school bit reducer (Not the DT or ARmkii type)…leaving colour to control FM of two tones, with the bit reduction effecting the FM tone generators post modulated output but pre reverb and delay…i think the machine should be called BOT…


I run it through Octatrack for similar effects goodness and it does sound great when adding these textures to the M:C

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It would not need additional note entry for the other voices, rather it would round-robin the voices… so the effect is a monophonic machine whose decay does not get cut off. You could make 2 or 3 (or 4!) note chords using neighboring trigs and nudge. It would also be great for pads and arps.

While I’m dreaming, the color and shape knobs could be Attack and Waveshaping

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Can you not already do this with a computer or special midi cable like Retrokits? Your suggestion seems to use more than one track. As I said before, I highly suspect that it’ll remain a mono device in terms of the sequencer.

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It’s been explained by Elektron that the chord machine uses the 4 operators already existing in the FM engine (there’s a single complex algorithm for all the machines!), therefore a 4-voice polyphonic machine could be based on the chord machine without much work! Probably would still need some programming effort to add multiple-amp-envelope support to the engine, but other than that, it could work the same way, with the remaining 2 knobs working the same way as the chord machine.

So again, how would you define the four notes? How would they be represented in the sequencer? And how would it differ from the current chord machine?

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You wouldn’t - that is no change is needed to the sequencer. I explained a couple ways you could leverage the polyphony - melodies featuring long tails that don’t cut each other off, and custom chords which you would accomplish using nudge to make 2-3 trigs play at the same time (or 4 if doing a glissando or using a faster scale). It would differ from the chord machine in that each trig can only trig a single note/voice and not a chord.

I’m sorry but that doesn’t make any sense in terms of how the sequencer works on Elektron devices. There’s no way to say this note should take longer to decay/release than any of the other notes triggered at the same time. And there’s no way your nudging of subsequent notes on the sequencer won’t cut off the previous notes because it’s a mono sequencer on the Cycles. Anyway, I’ll leave it there. No point beating a dead horse.

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Maybe if I explain it another way. You know how the Cycles has 6 tracks? That equates to 6 “voices” on a more traditional synth. But on the Cycles, one of the machines is a special “voice” that can contain 4 “voices”, playing a chord. It does this by treating the 4 operators in the FM engine as 4 voices. That’s how the chord machine was accomplished. I’m just saying, add a machine LIKE the chord machine that just plays the notes one at a time, in a round robin fashion, and they can overlap each other just like a traditional polyphonic synth. If you don’t see how this wouldn’t work now then I don’t know. Maybe I suck at explaining. :grin:


“machine” ? …“Funkmaker”, …haha


ok, seriously:
2-OP FM with wavetables a la eurorack:
first was the Modcan VCDO ( not euro), then ported to euro as FMVDO,
today we have the Synthech E352 respectivly E370 ( from the same DSP Engineer btw. )

2OP-FM combined with Good Wavetables is one of the most powerful, yet supereasy to access type of Synthvoice for many things in my opinion.

i have the VCDO/FMVDO and the E370,
that old VCDO/FMVDO is still today one of the best sounding VCOs,…anyway assoon you turn to percussive stuff.

it would be easy to implement since it does not require alots of parameters. Mainly:
_wavetable ( at least 16, better 32, definitly not more than 64 WTs, …on one knob / has to have a sinewave on CCW)
_FM index
_FM ratio ( quantised)

beside the other obvious ones




hey there, same problem and would very much appreciate the factory sysex :))
Did this work for the factory sounds? Would you mind to forward the file so I can use the factory kits?

a simple SID Station clone would be amazing tbh, or a machine that is more like the MEGA FM


they had this feature with the monomachine, u can use 6 voices but you can only use 1 track, i believe this is more possible with the hardware on M:C than all tracks having polyphony

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