What machine would you like to see added to the Model:Cycles?

I’m not so sure about this and believe as long as the M:C still sells, there is a good chance to get a more substantial update someday, which in turn will help keeping the sales up. Considering the difference in price I think this is a realistic scenario. People who can’t afford the ST or are only interested in the digital sound engines and an easier workflow will keep buying the cycles


Yes, I do agree there are still sells but for example, with Syntakt, we can now be sure that M:C won’t get a second LFO. I was trying to say that the M:C could be awesome but Elektron will probably keep it very simple to encourage people that want more to go on Syntakt.

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the Funk Machine!

Toys and Bits. Here’s hoping.


Use Machine locked kick on the snare track. Fattest kicks i’ve gotten on this thing.

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Def would love to have a clap machine.


Yeah I (still) find the snare sound exasperating.
A clap machine would be a major enhancement from my perspective

I don’t get it. What does it change to lock the kick machine on the snare track ? All tracks are the strictly the same and the choice of the machine only depends of you.

I was guessing @Gerry_Dorsey meant must be: that machine lock on one step would have different results from switching machine for the whole track (snare’s default parameter settings applied to the kick maybe ?) but I didn’t try it.

Yes, I do this sometimes, switching machines to see what happen. Sometimes it’s better than the original. I was just reacting to the fact of putting a kick machine on a snare track. This doesn’t change anything the track where you will change the machine. On Model:Cycles, “snare track” is just a choice of the user, not a hardware implementation. Not sure if I’m clear…

a sample slicer, just to differentiate it from the sample player in the model samples and to piss people off lol

I never felt there were going to be additional M:C machines. M:C and M:S are clearly gateway drugs. They might get small improvements, but nothing massive. Elektron are not alone in this strategy (witness the recent Roland Aira mini-machines, which are even more hobbled).


Chiptune sounds please


i think you’re right. i would love a different version of ‘metallic’ & ‘snare’ but i doubt it will ever happen. it’s fine because the limitations are not enough to make me get rid of the box, plus they push me to try different things. bit of a trade off i guess.

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I’ve gotten some great sounds out of it.

The LFO can unlock new territories. Try dialing the speed up to audio rate.

The high pass is too aggressive, though, and the default attack is too soft.

I’ll experiment some more. To be honest I think I’m expecting too much of an FM engine when the sound I’m trying to find is either a complex analogue clap or a sample snare

You can take it to some unexpected places, but yeah, it’s going to have its somewhat soapy digital sound when you’re incorporating noise/feedback.


You can actually make some great snares using the Chord machine. If you haven’t already, I recommend trying it out :grin:



Turn up the pitch, decrease the decay, activate punch and experiment with high-speed LFOs :grin:

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