What’s next for Ess / Fors?

The Fors.FM Superberry has landed:


Sounds lush.

Also, how cool is this:

10% of our sales go to a mutual aid fund or nonprofit - rotating every few months. The rest of our sales afford us more time to create new sound tools to share with you. If cost is a barrier for you, please write to us at hi@fors.fm


The first thing that struck me wasn’t the sound but this: ”10% of our sales go to a mutual aid fund or nonprofit - rotating every few months.” Huge respect! (Just like craig pointed out simultaneously.) :slightly_smiling_face:

The demos so far would seem to suggest it’s not an instrument (I also rarely use plugins) for me but I kept saying the same thing about Digitone for well over a year until I finally got one.


Sounds really nice! I love the minimal and straightforward interface. Delays are lush as hell. Sequencer looks fun. I just wish there was a demo version. $58 is too much for me without a demo version. Maybe one will eventually be available.

Stupid question: can I run it when I have Ableton and Max for Live on Windows? It says “made mac os & Max for Live”. I guess it runs standalone on macOS and in M4L on all platforms that support Ableton & M4L, right?

Good that the skin can be white and black by default, that safes us a BIG RELEASE of the BLACK / STEALTH edition next year.


I had the privilege of participating in a little pre-release test of Superberry a couple of days ago.

It’s a lovely, fun little synth that works really well standalone—and fits my philosophy/challenge of trying to use a single synth voice + effects to make a whole track.

It’s obviously very great for lush trance arps, but also can get pretty mellow and blurry for minimal ambient music.

Also, the sequencer is pretty interesting—decoupled melody and rhythm means that you can get some interesting rotating sequences going.

I’m not much of a softsynth guy but it’s a really fun synth. Every time I open it I get sucked in and end up playing around for at least half an hour :metal:


I´ll take one!

Yep, this was clarified just now on the Fors instagram.


This is the bit that caught my interest the most. I remember @Ess saying in a Twitch stream he loved the 202 sequencer for this exact reason. Can’t wait to try it out when I get home later.

Yeah, funnily I’m working on a sequencer concept that is similar (but not exactly the same) to it :slight_smile:

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Awesome. Please let me know when it’s out in the wild (unless it’s for your own personal use). I’ve been investigating sequencers a hell of a lot recently, especially generative/random ones.

Yes - it’s finally out! Happy to hear some nice feedback and sounds already. Very excited to see where this leads us both and to hear what people make with it. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work I hope to see Fors grow.

Good point, didn’t have the time to make a demo version before release but… Shouldn’t take long, give me an hour! :smiley:

Yeah this is very inspired by the 202, it’s a bit chaotic but once you tame it… Wow, it just keeps evolving from very simple inputs. The sequencer will be available to buy alone as a Max for Live device soon as well.


Can Superberry output midi for use with other softsynths or even hardware with a connected soundcard? Not that I won’t be using the superb internal engine too, of course!

“pretty ordinary attack, hold, release envelope” :joy:

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Not at the moment, but could certainly be added. The Max for Live versions has the Roulette sequencer as its own device allowing you to connecting it to anything within Live.

Oh! Forgot to add the manual to the page, it’s up now for anyone who might be curious.


…ui, ess…just on laptopspeakers here right now…only 2 thirds up…
and the superberry promo clip is LOUD!..
hear the super, but the berry comes short in notice this way…

I must say, it’s very beautiful and extremely easy to get lost in, @Ess & Felisha!

I did drop Fors an email with some questions about resolution of the MacOS app and as I play around, I’m finding a few odds and ends (some blank tooltips pop up when in a hover state on some UI elements, the LFO can get pretty whacky at times), I’ll likely put together a list in another email. But well done and congrats on the release!


Does the max patch work in windows? Or is this m4l only?

Damn…Windows pc running FL20…no chance for me then…sounds lush…! :frowning: