What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Damn dude! Nice.

Nice! I can imagine an ‘Ableton Live - One Thing’ video where someone does this and makes a crazy DnB track with snippets of the audio. :smiley:


Lol yep, infinite sample fodder.

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I have an Octatrack on the way. This is going to be absolutely awesome fodder.


I absolutely love Opal and Opal-Ctrl. Opal-Ctrl is even starting to replace Devicemeister’s Stepic and some HY sequencers in my arsenal, because of parameter locks, I just love those.
But I have one question / feature request: are there plans to make a multitrack/multipage version ? I mean for now if you want to sequence drum synths with it, you would have to load multiple instances of Opal-Ctrl and then a drum synth, for example one for a kick, one for snare etc.
I don’t know if this is possible but for example if you make a multipage/multitrack verison of it, you load it on one track, send the data of track 1 to the DAW track that has the kick plugin, then track 2 to the DAW track that has the snare plugin etc.
Then you could sequence everything from one Opal-Ctrl window instead of having to load multiple instances of it.
Thanks anyway for the amazing work so far.


@Ess When copying a cell, would it be possible to include non-locked data so you can copy the exact sound of a cell between different patterns? It would work so well with the randomise function: you could use some patterns just for sound generation and then copy your favorites over to the patterns you want to use in the whole track.

I was just about to ask for the exact same feature in Opal Ctrl. I’d basically love individuals Track, exactly like Opal, and perhaps the ability to choose from preset icons per track to give a visual cue of what it’s sequencing? That would make it perfection for me.

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Sold some records this week to buy opal and after just ten minutes this is too good.

Amazing stuff


Having multiple MIDI outputs for Max for Live devices doesn’t quite work, so that’s why it doesn’t have multiple tracks. However, you can stack Opal-Ctl either as a group or just chain them – they will just throughput any MIDI data.

A nice way of working is to use a drum rack and have multiple instances of Opal-Ctl on that track – a benefit with m4l devices is that you can have multiple windows open at once, so sequencing multiple sounds at once can be quite easy.

Kind of the same answer here …

I guess it could have multiple tracks for polyphonic sequencing, but it would still send the MIDI data on one single track more or less. There are a lot of caveats and idiosyncrasies of Live that need to be taken into account unfortunately.

But I think in general here the concept is more or less to create an instrument that is like Opal with another instrument (e.g Operator becomes a groovebox-type thing), and that’s quite complex in and of itself. So in the long run, I feel that a single-track Opal-Ctl makes the most sense, fits into Live the best, and is the least arduous to deal with.

I try to think a lot about what makes sense in the framing of Live when making m4l devices, so that does factor in a lot. The device rack is powerful, and I’m trying to play into how that works. Being able to stack and chain Opal-Ctl devices is really fun for example.


I keep getting pops, cracks, and cpu spikes when using Opal. I’ve done all the usual tricks to try and minimize it but it seems to not work. It’s not constant, but annoying. Don’t get it when using other m4l or vsts.
Anyone else?

Sorry to hear! Send me an email at hi@fors.fm with more info about your setup (specifically version of Live, computer specs and OS) and I’ll see if I can help.


Would this be the best Elektron box that never got released. Amazing stuff.

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